
The “Colour Picker” tab, allows you to choose a colour when fixtures with colour mixing capabilities are selected. Just touch the picker using the touch screen, and the colour of the selected fixture will be set to the colour pressed.
The cross (“+”) symbol on the picker indicates the current colour values for the selected fixture. If multiple fixtures are selected, multiple "+" will be displayed.

You can select multiple fixtures and “fan” them across the picker by using two fingers and multi-touch. The first selected fixture (defined by the order of selection) will be at your first finger, the last selected fixture will be at your second finger, and all the fixtures in-between will spread between these two points.
Fanning across Multicell Fixtures
On multicell fixtures, colour colour can be fanned in two ways. Firstly, colour can be fanned across a multicell fixture, just like a standard fixture. This means that every light output of the multicell fixture is the same, resulting in a single cross (+) per fixture on the colour picker. Alternatively, colours can be fanned across the individual cells of a multicell fixture, resulting in a cross (+) per cell on the colour picker.
The way your fixtures will be fanned across the colour picker, will be dependent on whether they were selected as whole fixtures, or individual cells. When using the channel faders, fixtures will be selected as whole fixtures, unless your fixture is a linear multicell fixture, such as an LED batten, in which case the fixture will be selected as cells.

For more information on controlling multicell fixtures on FLX S consoles, click here.

For more information on controlling multicell fixtures on FLX consoles, click here.

To the right of the colour picker is a "value" fader, which can be used to dim your colour, without lowering the fixture's intensity. You will find that if the value fader is at the bottom, your fixtures are still considered to be on, however in black. A preview of the colour you have created is shown at the top of the value fader.

After picking a shade of white, the Colour Temperature fader can then be used to “warm up” or “cool down” the colour of your fixtures.
If your fixtures have a dedicated "Colour Temperature" parameter with a single, defined temperature range, the Temp. fader will control this. If your fixtures do not have a Colour Temperature parameter, the Temp. fader will adjust any white emitters your fixture may have, such as Cool White or Warm White. If your fixture does not have multiple white emitters, the Temp. fader will adjust the levels of your fixture's colour mixing parameters.
Tapping the Temp. button resets the fader to a default temperature of "50%". The default value of the Temp. button can be configured. To configure the Temp. button, set the Temp. fader to the required position, and then tap Record or Update, and then click on the Temp. button.

To remove a custom colour temperature and revert back to the default temperature of "50%", tap the Delete key, and then tap the Temp. button. You will then be asked to confirm the operation.

Images can be loaded into the colour picker, to allow you to choose colours from the loaded image. This is useful when wanting to use the colours of a companies’ logo, or wanting to recreate the colours from a particular image you’ve photographed. Press one of the “+” symbols along the left hand side of the picker to open the “Load file” window which will display all the images on the connected external USB drive. Choose the image file you need, and load it in. The Image Picker also supports multi-touch for fanning across your fixtures.

To remove an image from the Picker, just press the Delete button and then press the image from the left hand side. This creates space for a new image to be loaded.