Controlling Fixtures
What is tagging?
Tagging is the process of telling the console which parameters you would like to be recorded, when you tap the Record or Update buttons. It is very rare that you would want to include all parameters of all fixtures into your cues, as this would prevent you from being able to mix playbacks, and prevent things like Move On Dark from working. By default, SmartTag is enabled in the Record Options window. To open the Record Options window on the internal touchscreen, you can press and hold Record.
When SmartTag is enabled in the Record Options window, you don't need to worry about tagging parameters, as the console will do the work for you, and work out which parameters need to be recorded, to ensure that you achieve the current lighting state when played back. With SmartTag enabled, you can therefore ignore this section.
However when SmartTag is disabled in the Record Options window, rather than the console deciding which parameters to record into palettes and cues, you decide. With SmartTag disabled, you choose which parameters get stored by "tagging" them. When moving an encoder wheel, you will notice the parameter goes from having a dark blue background in the encoder display, meaning untagged, to a light blue encoder display, meaning tagged. Therefore whenever you adjust an encoder, you know that value will be stored when you record a cue, as the console automatically tags it.
In the settings of each attribute, you have the ability to choose whether adjusting one encoder will tag just that parameter, or tag all parameters within that attribute automatically.

In this image, you will notice that the first pair of parameters on encoders one and two are tagged, and the last pair of parameters on encoders three and four are untagged. This is shown by the colour of the encoder display background.
Manual Tagging
As well as the console automatically tagging the parameters or attributes of the parameters you adjust, you can also choose to manually tag and untag parameters, so that you can manually choose to include or not include parameters.
To manually tag or untag a parameter, you can tap on it on the internal touchscreen. This will display Tag or untag, followed by the parameter's name in the command line. For example tapping on red would give:
Tag [Red],
You can also manually tag or untag parameters by holding Clear, and jogging that parameter's encoder wheel.
To tag/untag intensity, you can tap the middle button of the intensity encoder.
On FLX, you can tag or untag whole attributes, by pressing and holding Clear, and tapping the attribute key on the console. For example, Clear + Colour.