Playback Settings
Raise and Lower
Raise and Lower options allow you to configure how the playback's fader will control the playback. These settings can be accessed by holding the Setup button and tapping a playback's button, and choosing Raise and Lower from the top.
Trigger on Raise
By default this is enabled, meaning when the playback fader is raised, the first cue is automatically triggered. In the Cues window, this allows you tap the cue you need, so that it highlights in yellow, and then raise the fade to output the chosen cue. However, if you disable Trigger on Raise, you will need to manually trigger the cue you require with a press of the Go button, as well as raise the fader.
Release on Lower
By default this is enabled, meaning when the playback fader is lowered, the playback is released. The playback no longer has control of the programmed fixtures, and the next cue in the cue list window automatically highlights cue 1, ready for the playback to be raised again. Disabling Release On Lower, means you can lower the intensity of the cue you are in, but it will still be active, and still have control of the fixtures. This allows you to then raise the intensity again, and you remain in the cue you were in.
Trigger/Release Level
By default, the Trigger/Release level is 5%. This means that the fader will have no affect between 0%-4%, but above this level will trigger the playback. If you are using LED fixtures with a poor low-end dimmer curve, you may want to set this to 1%, to allow you more control of the bottom-end dimming.
Raise Time
This time simulates a time the physical fader is raised over. So, setting it to 5 seconds, and pulling up the fader instantly, will instead take 5 seconds to fade up the playback. This is very useful for use when house lights are recorded to a playback. The raise time can be seen in the Faders window, with the onscreen playback fader annotated with "U" (for Up).
Lower Time
This time simulates a time the physical fader is lowered over. So, setting it to 5 seconds, and pulling down the fader instantly, will instead take 5 seconds to fade down the playback. This is very useful for use when house lights are recorded to a playback. The lower time can be seen in the Faders window, with the onscreen playback fader annotated with "D" (for Down).