ASCII Show Files
ASCII show files are a generic file format that can be shared between a range of consoles from a range of manufactures. The ASCII show file specification has several limitations, such as only supporting dimmer channels (not moving lights etc) and a basic cue stack. However it is very useful, especially when touring. ZerOS supports “manufacture specific information” from within ASCII files for certain consoles. This includes ETC EOS/Ion consoles and Strand Genius Pro consoles. This adds support for moving lights, LEDs and other fixtures, along with referencing palettes. Submasters are imported as Playbacks with single cues. When loading large ASCII show files, ZerOS may take some time whilst it creates fixture personalities for the fixtures, and converts the show to the ZerOS format.
ASCII show files can have the following file extensions:
- .asc (ASCII)
- .alq (ASCII Light Cues)
- .txt

Take a look at this video for an explanation of ASCII show files.