
Settings within the Setup menu allows you to change various settings that affect the ZerOS system, such as monitor settings or switch between the various modes available.
Desk Name
The desk name is used to identify itself. For example, when using the mobile apps, the name of every console on the network will be displayed. By default, the desk name will be the console type (ie “FLX” or “FLX S24”) followed by the serial number, but this can be changed by selecting the desk name, using the onscreen keyboard to type a new name, and pressing OK

Set Date & Time
All ZerOS consoles except FLX S have an internal clock. Press the Date & Time button on the monitor to open the Set Date and Time window. Enter the correct time, day, month and year in the fields provided and then confirm by selecting the OK button. This setting is especially important when using Real Time cue triggers.
This allows you to change the Lock pin of the console. The default pin is 0000. It’s highly recommended that you change this pin. The console can be locked via the Z Key, so you can leave the console unattended safely.