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Record & Update


The Record & Update options of the Settings tab, allow for the Record & Update window to be configured, and the global tracking options to be set. These are explained below:

Show Record & Update Window

This can be changed to decide when these two windows should be shown during programming.

When held means the windows will only be displayed on the internal touchscreen when the Record or Update buttons are held for around half a second. This is useful if you are regularly programming palettes using the external monitor.

On internal display means the windows will be shown on the internal display as soon as the Record or Update buttons are pressed.

On external display (FLX & FLX S48 only) means the windows will be shown on the external display as soon as the Record or Update buttons are pressed, but only on the internal monitor if the buttons are pressed and held. This is the default option.

On both displays (FLX & FLX S48 only) means the windows will appear on both displays as soon as the Record or Update buttons are pressed.

Tracking Options

This option defines the behaviour of the desk when recording cues. It can be seen a little bit like a "Beginner" (Cue Only) or "Normal" (Enabled) mode. There are two options available:

Cue only means that tracking options will not be available within the Record and Update windows. Cues are programmed with a full capture of the stage output to ensure what you see on stage is exactly what is programmed, and exactly what will be played back when you replay the cue.

Enabled means that tracking options will be available within the Record and Update windows.