ZerOS can receive triggers over OSC. Support includes Cues (Go, Pause, Next), Playbacks (Go, Pause, Playback Level with optional fade time, Release, View), Macros, Grand Master (with optional fade time) and Blackout.
OSC can be enabled from the Triggers tab of Setup, in the OSC panel. Once enabled, the OSC protocol network settings can then be configured.
OSC differs from other protocols that can be configured in ZerOS. This is because the network port number that OSC is received on can be customised. ZerOS uses "8830" as the default port number, but this can be configured using the Receive Port Number field.
OSC messages can also be sent as "UDP" or "TCP (SLIP)". The setting in ZerOS will need to match the option set in the application sending the OSC messages. UDP is the default setting.
The IP address options will allow you to configure your OSC network settings. You can choose between using a DHCP address, or a static IP address.
OSC will be set to a Static IP address of (Subnet Mask by default.
Once configured, your console will be listening for OSC commands.