Internal Touchscreen
External Desktop
Intensity Colour Coding
Live / Preview / Blind
Parameter Table
RDM Notifications
Multicell Fixtures
Searching & Filtering
Fixture Creator
Edit & Export
Missing Fixtures
Multi-Part Fixtures
Windows Fixture Editor
Desk Type
MFF Window Playback Action
Auto Select Channels
Page Handover
Recovery Mode
Rem Dim & Highlight options
Hide Unused Fader Pages
Record & Update

The Universes tab of Setup is a single place for configuring each separate method (“protocol”) of sending lighting data out of the console to your lighting rig.
Fixtures can be patched across 64 “Desk Universes”. The total number of channels used across the 64 universes cannot exceed the total number of channels your console is licenced for.
At the top of the “Universes” tab are panels for the global settings of each protocol – in most situations, these are all you will need. Below these are a panel for each of the 64 “Desk Universes”, providing a method of fine tuning your universe routing (for example, you could send the data for fixtures patch to “Desk Universe 5” to sACN Universe 5, Art-Net Universe 4 and DMX Output 1).