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User Definable Keys

Advanced UDKs


A UDK can be assign an advanced function. To do this, hold Setup, and tap a blank, empty, unprogrammed UDK. This will open the UDK Settings window where the function you wish to use can be selected.

The “Normal” drop down option is how the UDK will function when pressed normally, and the “Shifted” option has the same options, but is how the UDK will function when pressed whilst holding the Shift button.

As with all UDKs, you can also choose whether it is page locked.


Opening the Normal or Shifted drop down, will display the available functions. After choosing the required option, press OK. In the Faders window, the onscreen UDK will have the Normal function displayed, with the shifted function in (brackets).

The available options are detailed below:


A UDK can be configured to be Park or Unpark. Parking, is a method of temporarily "freezing" the DMX output to a fixture or cell, "parking" it in its current values. If Park is used, it is common for the normal function to be Park, and the Shifted function to be Unpark.


Knockout can be used to release a fixture or multiple fixtures from a cue or channel data UDK. Therefore select the fixture, and tap the Knockout UDK, and the fixture is released from the cue or UDK. The fixture will be controlled by the cue or UDK again, the next time the cue or UDK is triggered. It will not clear the selected fixture from the programmer.

For example, to knockout fixture 3:

3 UDK3

3, Knockout,

Select the fixture, and tap your UDK configured as Knockout.

Clear Fixture

Clear fixture can be used to remove a single fixture, or single cell of a fixture from the programmer, and remove all manual controls, allowing it to be controlled by active cues or UDKs. This is therefore very useful, as double tapping Clear will clear the selection and programmer information for all fixtures, whereas Clear Fixture clears both selection and programmer information for just the currently selected fixtures or cells.

For example, to clear fixture 4 through 6:

4 Thru 6 UDK4

4 Thru 6, Clear Fixture,

Select the required fixtures, and tap your UDK configured as Clear Fixture.


Highlight can be used as a method of quickly identifying the selected fixture or cell.

Rem Dim

Rem Dim is short for Remainder Dim, and is a method of dimming the remaining fixtures or cells that are not currently selected.

Global Tap Tempo

A UDK can be configured as a Global Tap Tempo, to tap along to music to set the speed of any chases assigned to use global BPM. The BPM value you have tapped will be shown on the third encoder wheel by tapping Z