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About Chaddyfynn

  • Birthday December 24

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  1. Hi Edward, Thanks for your response. I just picked up the desk a few days ago. Turns out it was running 7.5.0! I have updated it now to 7.9.9 and am just trying to get my head around the new system. I'm used to working on one of the old Fat Frogs so this is quite a change. In terms of deleting fixtures from the fixture schedule, it is working perfectly now, exactly as you've said so that covers everything. Thanks again! Charlie
  2. I've added a few too many fixtures using the patch wizard and have tried to unpatch them using the unpatch function (which has removed them from the universe - ie they don't appear in outputs view), but they still appear in fixtures view on setup, and on my MFFs. Any way to remove them without resetting the desk?
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