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Jon Hole

Vari-Lite Admin
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  1. Jon Hole's post in Fixture File for Briteq LED MEGA BEAM and LED PIXEL BAR RGB was marked as the answer   
    Hi AlexSky,
    Here are the fixture profiles you requested.
    Best regards
  2. Jon Hole's post in mover level won't store at zero was marked as the answer   
    In the Output Window, there is a button called "Source" - if you press that, instead of telling you the intensity, the Output Window will tell you why the fixture is at that intensity.
    What does the 30% change to when you press Source?
  3. Jon Hole's post in Random and Shake was marked as the answer   
    Hi Peter,
    Thanks for the request, I have added it as ZOS-5804.
    Could you define what you would expect from the "Shake" functionality please?
  4. Jon Hole's post in RGB fixture profile uses CMY was marked as the answer   
    Kind of - the idea within ZerOS is that as an operator you choose which colour space you wish to work in, CMY or RGB, and then we do all the work in converting everything to that colour space for you.
    There is Press SETUP and COLOUR together. In the window that appears, click "Colour Edit Mode" and change it from CMY to RGB.
  5. Jon Hole's post in American DJ Freq16 was marked as the answer   
    Hi David,
    I've attached the fixture for the 1 Channel and 2 Channel mode.
    If you want to use it in 18 Channel mode, I suggest you patch it as 16 dimmers and then the 2 Channel mode I've attached, as this gives you better control.
    Please let me know if this is suitable, and if you would like more information on how to do that
    Best regards
    FREQ 16 Strobe.ift
  6. Jon Hole's post in software update 4.0 was marked as the answer   
    Hi kewl,
    How big is the USB stick you are using?
    We've heard people with similar issues try a smaller USB stick (1GB) which then works.
  7. Jon Hole's post in led par as fixture was marked as the answer   
    Hi Mazyk,
    Here's the profile for you.
    Vary Color P6.ift
    Best regards
  8. Jon Hole's post in Pulse LED Block was marked as the answer   
    Hi Lufferov,
    Personally, I'd probably patch this as 4x RGB no Dim fixtures (available in 'Standard Fixtures') and then put the Intensity channel on a normal channel fader if I had one spare.
    This way, it's much easier to control each cell individually, and you can run effects and offset them along the cells etc.
  9. Jon Hole's post in Fixture File foe Kam LED 800s was marked as the answer   
    Hi Bamber
    Please find the fixture attached.
    Best regards
    kam 800.ift
  10. Jon Hole's post in copying parameters from another fixture was marked as the answer   
    You can use 101 @ CUE 5 ENTER for a fixture to replicate what it was doing in an earlier cue.
    You can use 101 COPY TO 102 ENTER to copy the programmer information from fixture 101 to fixture 102.
    At the moment, this only copies the programmer information, so you may need to use a combination of these, the first to extract the data from the cue into the programmer, and the second to then copy that information to another fixture.
    Hope this helps
  11. Jon Hole's post in Jester ML Battery change was marked as the answer   
    Hi John,
    Yes, take the front panel off (be careful, there are cables connecting the two pieces of metal work) and replace the CR2032 battery. Once you power on, you will get the error again until you go into Setup and reset the console.
    Remember you should always take USB backups anyway!
    Best regards
  12. Jon Hole's post in In seriously need for Fixturefile for Stairville LEDBAR was marked as the answer   
    Looks good.
    The only change I would make, which doesn't affect André as he's using a Jester, is to format the 'long name' like this:
    240 8 RGB Bar : 2 Channels
    240 8 RGB Bar : 3 Channels
    240 8 RGB Bar : 5 Channels
    240 8 RGB Bar : 24 Channels
    ZerOS sees the 'space colon space' as an instruction that the 'model name' has finished and the 'mode name' has started. This is used in the Patch Wizard when you choose the model first, and then the mode.
    Stairville 240 RGB Bar (1).ift
  13. Jon Hole's post in software upgrade was marked as the answer   
    Hi Hundy,
    Are you an administrator of the computer you are using?
    If you aren't, that could be the problem.
    If you are, have a read through this:
    Best regards
  14. Jon Hole's post in Tips for programming FAN sequences was marked as the answer   
    No problems.
    You can either create the effect yourself, or go to SETUP > Auto Menus > Auto Palettes, and ZerOS will automatically create some effect palettes. Press SHIFT+EFFECT to open the effect window, and choose 'Rainbow' (effect 28 if you've done auto palettes and there were no effect palettes programmed previously).
    Now, press 'Effect' and on the wheels you will see 'Offset'. Hold shift whilst moving that wheel, and the offset will get fan'd across all those fixtures.
    If you press SETUP+EFFECT you can press 'Shifted Wheel Mode' and choose how you would like it to be fan'd. There are several options including Fan First, Fan Middle, Fan Last and Fan V.
  15. Jon Hole's post in Effects was marked as the answer   
    Hi Lightmaster,
    Yes you can do this. If you hold down the SHIFT button whilst moving the 'offset' wheel, it will fan the offset across the fixtures. This will offset them in the order you select the fixtures (if you have selected them using a group, the group will have remembered the order you selected the fixtures when you recorded the group).
    If you want to change the fan settings (from the middle out, for example) hold down SETUP + EFFECT together, and change the 'Shifted Wheel Mode' setting.
    Best regards
  16. Jon Hole's post in Creating a camera flashgun effect was marked as the answer   
    We've discussed this on the phone, but for everyone else's help...
    Yes, so for example:
    Memory 10 - Trigger GO - Fade 0s - 1st Light on
    Memory 11 - Trigger AUTO - Fade 0s - Dwell 0.2s - 1st Light off
    Memory 12 - Trigger AUTO - Fade 0s - Dwell 0.2s - 2nd Light on
    Memory 13 - Trigger AUTO - Fade 0s - Dwell 0.2s - 2nd Light off
    Memory 14 - Trigger AUTO - Fade 0s - Dwell 0.2s - 3rd Light on
    Memory 15 - Trigger AUTO - Fade 0s - Dwell 0.2s - 3rd Light off
    Obviously change the dwell time to the length that gives you the effect you prefer.
  17. Jon Hole's post in Cue Stacks was marked as the answer   
    Hi James,
    "Effects" (which are wave-based) can be put onto submasters, but "Chases" (which are step-based) have to live within cue stacks.
    If you want live control of these chases, press "Fader Function" (it's one of the four buttons top middle of the console) and then choose "playbacks" on the Syntax Keys (the 5 blank keys with LCDs above them).
    This will turn the bottom 20 faders on the ORB XF into playbacks 1 - 20 (the top 40 faders will stay as whatever they were before - channels or sub masters).
    This means your chases on Cue Stack 1 and Cue Stack 2 will now be on the first and second fader of the bottom row.
    Hope this helps.
  18. Jon Hole's post in USB keyboards on Jester TLxtra was marked as the answer   
    Hi Little Man,
    Any USB keyboard should work - but we advise the simpler the better, so try and avoid keyboards that are backlit, have "media keys", or USB ports on the back etc.
    Are you aware that when you go across to the 'name' column, and press ENTER, the Multi-Functional Keys turn into a basic keyboard to allow you to input a name? An external keyboard is a much quicker solution, but this is a helpful solution if you don't have a keyboard with you.
  19. Jon Hole's post in timing palettes was marked as the answer   
    Hi Andrea,
    Welcome to our forums!
    If you press 'special', you will see that one of the Multi Functional Keys (MFKs) is called 'Time'. Pressing this allows you to set a time. Holding SHIFT whilst pressing 'time' turns this time on and off.
    When on, everything you do in the programmer (including palettes) will take this amount of time.
    Hope this helps,
    Best regards,
  20. Jon Hole's post in Cue stack playback was marked as the answer   
    Hi Lightmaster,
    You can turn the bottom 20 faders into cue stacks by using the 'fader function' button, and then choosing 'playbacks' on the syntax keys (the 5 blank keys with the LCDs above them).
    The flash buttons under the faders become the 'go' button
  21. Jon Hole's post in Updating submaster was marked as the answer   
    Hi Vincent,
    At the moment, non-tracking mode keeps things simple by recording the output of the console, rather than taking the programmer information.
    When in 'tracking mode' you can use the 'cue only' front panel button to turn off tracking but keep all the other features.
  22. Jon Hole's post in Moving Memories in Stack was marked as the answer   
    Hi Johnny,
    No there isn't a way to move multiple memories in one go, however:
    - If you press INSERT a second time, it allows you to put in a second digit of decimal place - allowing 99 memories between two other memories.
    - If you go to the 'Comments' column, and press 'Enter' you get to the memories' settings. Here, there's an option called 'Next' that allows you to specify which memory follows the one you've just selected. This allows you to jump further down the memory stack, to where you can put your new memories, and then at the end, use the same method to automatically jump back up to continue with your previous memories.
    Hope this helps,
  23. Jon Hole's post in Leap Frog Vs. Solution was marked as the answer   
    Hi Alain,
    The Solution Series is a rebrand of the Leap Frog 48 / 96 consoles to bring it more in line with the rest of the Zero 88 console range.
    Although the green and grey skin is the 'default' for your console, you can change it within SETUP >Desk Setup > Displays. The newer look screen is 'ORB'.
  24. Jon Hole's post in Fixture Display Out Of Kilt To Button Location was marked as the answer   
    Hi Charlie,
    I believe Keith has got back to you about the calibration of the new LCDs in an old console.
    If you have any more questions please let us know.
    Best regards,
  25. Jon Hole's post in Fixture Problem was marked as the answer   
    Hi Pierotec,
    We've got some beta ZerOS code that fixes this... would you be interested in testing it?
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