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  1. Today
  2. Apologies on picking up on this so late. Ed was such a great tutor and producer of fantastic reference material I hardly visit the forum now. None the less I would also like to say a huge and genuine thanks to Ed. He even put time aside in the evenings for Skype calls to help me understand and run ZEROs. Good luck Ed in your chosen new direction and thanks again. It was folks like you who fuelled my loyal support for and in Zero 88. All the Best.... Mac
  3. Yesterday
  4. I have a faulty 7 seg display which I’d like to replace. Is there an RS or Farnell part number for the correct type of display (size, pin pitch, common cathode or anode etc) Thanks.
  5. Last week
  6. Thank you for your precious help, you will be sorely missed! You set the bar pretty high, whoever comes next is going to have some really big shoes to fill! Best wishes for the future!
  7. Earlier
  8. Bonjour, J'espere juste que les soucis d'informations vis a vis des mises à jour vont s'eclaircir, de maniere à ce que Zero88 existe encore par le biais de Varylites. Ensuite il est clair que certains ont interets à ce que les "concurents" disparaissent . C'est certainement pour cela qu'il semble important à ce que les mises à jour puissent suivre... Ayant deux FLX et plusieurs wings, j'aimerai vraiment à ce que cet environ persiste. Bon courage à tous et dans l'attente de voir les futurs mise à jour... 7.14.4 pour avoir un bon environnement pour tout le monde. Merci a Edward et Jon Eric de France
  9. Yes using the DMX monoitor under the Z key. Show now finished.Will monitor as we move onto a new production to see what happens. I can't see any rational explanation why the fixtures should have behaved in that way. No cabling or other changes. The only other factor that may impact is that prior to programmiong the desk we have been using the remote app whilst focussing, the app wass till connected, could that have any impact?
  10. I'd love to have all of the buttons available to me on the ZerOS remote app, such as the SETUP button and changing pages.
  11. Just out of curiosity, how can we get access to beta releases once they come out?
  12. Thanks everyone for the replies, apologies I didn't check this out sooner. I don't think I'll be needing sCAN at all in this venue so seems like a pretty solid product (as well as having that three year warranty), should anyone know any better or different Art-Net nodes that they find super useful, suggestions are always welcome!
  13. Thanks for all of your responses to my many emails and issues (and putting up with me!). Best of luck for the future!
  14. I'd hope by the end of September we'd have a beta for you. However, the roadmap has changed a little bit to enable us to fix some high priority bugs. Instead of being "ZerOS 7.15", this will now be: ZerOS 7.14.4 will be a bug fix release for all consoles ZerOS 8 will be for FLX & FLX S only, and will include the free of charge capacity increases We see these two releases being very close together - it's even possible (not guaranteed) that ZerOS 8 starts testing before ZerOS 7.14.4 is released. We're doing this to split the bug fixes across all consoles, and the new features / increased capacity on FLX & FLX S.
  15. Ah that’s a shame - I must have missed you. I was there all day Monday too in a personal capacity.
  16. Subject: Assistance Needed on NEO Lighting Console Dear Sir/Mem, I hope this message finds you well. We are currently experiencing issues with our NEO Lighting Console. Specifically, the lights suddenly turn off during live broadcasts, even though the faders are still on. After turning the faders off and on again, the console functions normally for a few days or sometimes a week. I would greatly appreciate your guidance on resolving this issue. Thank you for your assistance. Best regards,
  17. I was at PLASA on Monday. I went hoping there'd be a Z88 announcement to discuss (a replacement for the FLX for example). Previously I'd have stopped for a chat anyway but, although VariLite weren't busy, I didn't have time after waiting to talk to Chamsys, Infinity, Vista and Lightshark about their offerings in my price bracket. Did linger over the Sirius in the "archaeology" display though. 😊
  18. Yes - I agree - some sort of timeline would be nice guys - even if it's to say "We're still 6 months away" would give us some guidance - with panto season coming up if we can start plotting or we wait for the upgrade. I have a Solution and an FLX S so really could do with the extra universe on the FLX... Thanks.
  19. We've all been quietly thinking the same! Some ballpark timescale would be useful so folk can plan, but I guess at the moment with changes to the team, I'm happy to cut Jon some significant slack! I guess we're all quite interested in the channel count upgrade which I suspect is a very minor change to the config of the software, but probably other new features are being rolled in too which requires development and testing effort which has been impacted recently.
  20. Sorry, not the right file, I had too many I was tinkering with. shard 24.zfix
  21. I should have mentioned I'm running 7.14.3 software. .zfix file attached along with mapping table. shard 65-24.zfix
  22. I was thinking we might have heard something with PLASA being on..! 😅 One day left to go perhaps..?
  23. I assume you have a USB connection between monitor and console in addition to the DVI-D lead. Have you done the Calibration step on the console? See the "Calibration" section: https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/settings/displays
  24. I have a new moving light that I found a perfect match for in the library in 16 channel mode. If anyone is interested, the fixture is a Shard Bolt 65 zoom wash bought from SS&L and it matches to an OMAX OM-M450B which is not the same but has similar functionality (RGBW, zoom, 16 bit pan/tilt). The Shard also has a three cell ring head mode (outer 1/outer 2/inner) which uses an additional 8 channels for RGBW 2 and 3. After much trial and error, I noticed that when you move to cell mode the intensity channel gets nailed up at level 255 regardless of the default and all intensity control happens on the colour channels instead. It is possible to access .1 .2 and .3 cells individually via command line and colour them accordingly. Is this design intent? I noticed that if you set the intensity to cell instead of master then the chosen cell colour levels stay at default and the intensity channel fades up and down. (The other cell colours continue to behave as if there isn't an intensity channel). I also tested to a rudimentary 2 cell RGBI profile to rule out more complex interactions. (It was imaginary- I-R1G1B1R2G2B2 with my Dmx tester). This was tested on an FLX-S offline but also duplicates on Phanton-FLX. The fixture profile can be provided if required but I suspect an explanation is probable without it. Ian
  25. Regarding the title of this Thread: How do you define „soon“? 🤔😄
  26. A stupid question I'm sure, but though my external monitor on flx S48 is displaying correctly, touch screen is not working. All cables checked. How can I enable it, please,
  27. I have seen mention over the years that the Eclipse came with a cigarette lighter built in, a story even mentioned by Rob Halliday in his classic gear column. However, I've seen two in the flesh (one of which I commissioned), neither of which had one. Both were the larger frame variant rather the low profile FOH style. I don't recall it in product literature either. My question is- Did Zero 88 ever fit or provide cigarette lighters on the Eclipse as an option? I've no doubt they existed out on the road but probably an aftermarket mod by hire companies. (Realistically they would need a separate transformer as I'm sure the PSU would not have the headroom for an extra ten Amps without impacting on the output stability). (To younger Forum users without grey hair, once upon a time most cars had a cigar lighter gizmo on the dashboard or console, you pressed it down and it popped up again after a short while and when you pulled it out it exposed glowing coils you could use to set fire to the smoking article of your choice. The receptacle lives on as the 12V accessory socket). I realise people who remember the 1980s products first-hand within Zero88 are probably in short supply as they will have moved on or retired. However hopefully there is a Company archive and a keen custodian who can research as they enjoy the history.
  28. If you are using the system dmx output monitor, you may also need an external dmx monitor, in case it was a desk output problem. I have not had a problem with using the desk system dmx monitor, I find it a useful feature. As the fixtures have been responding since reprogramming the show, it appears to rule out a dmx cable, unless you have moved a cable, which may have "cured" the fault.
  29. Following a summer break, with addition fixtures being added, I have found that the the LED fixtures would not initially respond to the desk. Randomly they would start working and respond to being faded up and down, this wake up time was random with some taking seversal minutes to respond to the desk. I would see the DMX output was under the control of the fader but the fixture was not responding. Using the identify feature the fixture could be flashed. Since programming the desk for the first production of the season the fixtures come up on cue. What could cause a fixture to behave this way, this is clearly not a hard fault as the fixtures do in the end respond. The fixtures are ETC Coloursource Fresnels and Junior spots. This doesn't seem to make sense, any suggestions?
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