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Davidmk last won the day on January 12

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  • Birthday 06/11/1955

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  1. Not sure I can help since I've no experience of CMY fixtures. I've scanned through the manual and not spotted any quirks that could trip you up. Best I can do is ask stupid questions and, maybe, you'll see the problem for yourself by answering them. Have you tried a colour or full fixture reset (channel 22 or 19)? Is the colour wheel at "open" when you are trying to colour mix? What output is the fixture giving? Is it (apparently) stuck on white? Black? Something else? What does the desk's DMX output screen say for the CMY, colour wheel and shutter channels? I see from the manual that these fixtures can display the DMX values being received. Do they agree with what the desk says it is sending? Have you contacted @kgallen? He's generally more use than me.
  2. For a more "busker" approach (i.e. without cues) and only if you can accept Red->Yellow->Orange->Green... Something to set the fixture(s) to red. This will depend on what else you are using the fixture(s) for but could be fixture default, a cue, another playback, possibly even RGB colour mixing playbacks) and an intensity only fader OR A playback that sets the colour red and controls intensity. Fader action is intensity only, NOT colour. This will switch to red when the fader goes about 5% but you can change that to 1% if you like. AND A playback with fader action colour ONLY that fades to green. I haven't time to actually try this but I think it should work.
  3. For the record the spam has been dealt with, presumably by @RJP who logged on shortly after I mailed support.
  4. If you've got sufficient evidence you should mail support as it doesn't look as though anyone at VariLite ever looks at the forum.
  5. The issue here is that the "admins" @DMH and @RJP don't actually log in to the forum, respond to DMs or deal with reports. DMH hasn't logged on since December, RJP logged in a week ago but only after I mailed support about the last batch of spam. As to the crazy concept of them actually responding to posts... Well, so far there is no evidence of that. Mailed support.
  6. I think a lot of fixtures with "16 bit" parameters ignore the a few of the least significant bits. Presumably they are limited by the steps on their stepper motors. We live and learn. 😊
  7. Interesting and makes sense. Did you try the intensity wheel by any chance?
  8. The order you start things in may be significant. My guess is desk first is best but it's by no means certain.
  9. So, @saitekx830, you seem to be doing the right things. If I was in this position I'd probably run Netscan (other network scanners are available) from the PC running your cueing software to just check that it can see itself and the desk. I'd expect that to work if the remote app is working but you never know. I use wired connections and find it helpful to disable WiFi to make sure the software isn't trying to use the wrong network. I guess, if you are using WiFi, you could disable any wired connections. Next, I'd go to the desk and after (like you) checking the network connections, I'd go to event monitor and send a few OSC commands. I do find that the first couple after switch on don't appear on the monitor (fine from about the 4th command and continues fine as long as the connection remains up) Now there are three possibilities, if you commands are not appearing then there is something wrong with the connection between your software and the desk, if they are appearing but with errors then they are just plain wrong (format, invalid commands or something) and if they appear without errors but don't do anything then they are valid but the thing (cue, playback, whatever) they should fire doesn't exist. If that didn't solve it then I guess the next step is to consult your neighbourhood witch or sorcerer. 😀
  10. @kgallen Yep, seen it but busy ATM. @saitekx830 Settings both ends look good will give it some thought later.
  11. I took "forum admins" to mean they sort out the forum when it dies and deal with inappropriate posts. So, yes, my assumption has been that the prompt and helpful days of Edward and Jon are over and we are, as you say, "on our own". I, for one, would be delighted to have this cynical and depressing assumption proved wrong. The newish thread - 16 bit intensity really 8 bit - is one that seems to require their attention (even though you have tried to help).
  12. Absolutely! Also, don't forget, selection sequence matters when creating groups. Mostly for effects but for applying a spread of colours. So you may need more than one group for the same fixtures (eg start in the middle and work out 1,5,4,2,3 and the reverse 3,2,4,5,1) (Yes, I know an effect can be reversed, it's only an example 😀 )
  13. Never tried it but you can save intensity in groups. Whether you can in pallettes I don't know, my guess is yes. Look up recording pallettes and be careful of SmartTag.
  14. Not sure if they are available or how they work on Solution but pallettes should be your friend here. Plenty of documentation about them but look out multi-parameter (looks) pallettes. Rebuild your show from scratch using pallettes and, from then on, tweak pallettes not cues. Will require some planning but should simplify things in future.
  15. My sentiments exactly. Keith, Edward and now you. My disappointment knows no bounds.
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