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Posts posted by K-Nine

  1. I guess that the main philosophy behind the submasters, especially now that you can program partially down to individual fixture parameter level (eg colour wheel, gobo, shutter etc.), is that you can program as much or as little onto them to give you greater flexibility when playing back elements of the show.


    A submaster may be programmed with one or more fixtures, one or more attributes (colour, beam, position) or one or more parameters (eg gobo, shutter). it is up to the user how he wishes to use them.


    For example a submaster may move all your moving heads to a particular position, and give them a green rotating gobo.


    Others may simply turn all fixtures of one type blue, or strobe, or home their position.


    Another may just open the shutter of a single fixture.


    Considering that the early releases of the frog software did not have palettes or partial programming down to any level then the software has developed quite a long way over the years, yet still uses the same front panel controls.


    This is one reason why the channel flash buttons also double up as the palette selection buttons.

  2. So every time you want to raise a submaster to output the programmed data you have to remember what fixtures are programmed on that submaster and then select them or a subset of them to determine which of the programmed fixtures are actually output when raising the sub.


    If you had one submaster up with say all your washes in one colour and then quickly wanted to bring up some different fixtures with colours, gobos or positions you would have to deselect the first set of fixtures, select the new set of fixtures you wanted and then raise the submaster.


    If you raised a sub which had certain fixtures programmed in it, but you forgot to select them first, then they would not be output on raising the submaster !


    I can see what you are asking for but this rather defeats the object of having submasters as a quick, immediate, live hands-on method of outputting known programmed data doesn't it ?


    This is one of th reasons why you have palettes on the desk as well - as a quick method of changing the colour, beam, or position parameters of selected fixtures.


    As Peter said, think of a submaster as a scene on a fader ... what is programmed in the scene is output on raising the fader ... one simple action.


    As far as I know this is how palettes and submasters work on most other desks as well. By careful programming of palettes and submasters you should be able to quickly change the colours, gobos, positions etc of fixtures as required.

  3. When you record fixture parameter data to a memory or a submaster - it is the tagged parameters that are recorded - regardless of what may be selected at the time of recording - this is the intended design.


    Whatever data is recorded in the submaster will be played back when you raise the submaster fader. It is not possible to play back part of what is recorded on that sub.


    Selecting fixtures and then raising a submaster does not determine what data is output from that submaster.

  4. As far as the brightness / intensity parameters are concerned this is determined by the fade up and fade down times for the memory.


    When going from memory A to memory B the fade times programmed in memory B are used.


    Channels which are going from a higher level to a lower level will do so in the fade down time.

    Channels which are going from a lower level to a higher level will do so in the fade up time.


    Example :


    Memory A: Channels 1-6 @ 50%


    Memory B: Channels 1-2 @ 0, Channels 3-4 @ 50%, Channels 5-6 @100%, Fade Up = 5 secs; Fade down = 1 sec.


    Output memory A: Channels 1-6 fade to 50%


    Output memory B: Channels 1-2 fade down to 0 in 1 second, Channels 3-4 remain at 50%, channels 5-6 fade up to 100% in 5 seconds.


    Hope that helps

  5. When are they attempting to change ?


    When you are outputting a memory ?

    When you are outputting a submaster ?

    When you are outputting a palette ?


    What version of software is in the desk ?

    What operating mode is the desk in (full or partial) ?


    If we could have some more information on what you are trying to do, and what is happening then we can hopefully work out what the problem might be :unsure:

  6. OK, have been learning how to use our new fat frog (having lots of fun), but can't find any instructions for powering down.


    Any advice on how to switch off?


    Obvious answer would be to switch off at the mains, but surely this will cause damage?


    Also; been wondering what on earth LTP stands for (and more to the point what it does) as I can't see any clues in the manual.


    As there is no power switch on the desk itself, switching off at the mains is the normal method for powering down the desk.



    This is a standard by which some lighting desks operate. If there is more than one control on the desk affecting a particular channel, then the latest control to operate will be the one to affect the output on stage (regardless if this is higher or lower than the previous output value). This system is used on desks with moving light functionality and is used to control the colour, beamshape (gobos, shutter, iris etc) and position (pan and tilt) parameters.


    The brightness (intensity) of a fixture is normall controlled HTP (Highest Takes Precedence).

  7. If you wish to manually run chases it is probably easiest to program a chase memory and then transfer it to a submaster. That way you just bring up the submaster fader when you want to run the chase and then lower it again to stop the chase.


    It is also recommended that the desk is in partial mode before you start programming memories and submasters.


    That way you can program movement chases that only affect the pan and tilt parameters of your moving lights and do not affect the colour, gobo etc.

  8. Leap Frog 48 & 96 Software Version 1.36 Released


    Continuing the development of the Leap Frog 48 & 96, Zero 88 have now released an interim software version 1.36, which features Real, SMPTE and MIDI time triggers for memories (with optional hardware fitted), numeric entry of intensity levels, remote switches (with optional hardware fitted), user definable macros, and numerous other minor modifications, improvements and bug fixes.


    The new desk software, offline software (Phantom Leap Frog), installation instructions and release notes describing all the new functions and bug fixes is now available from the Downloads section of the website, CLICK HERE.

  9. I am assuming you are using the Fixture Type Editor.


    When you start the application select the "Creating a New (Empty) Fixture Type File.


    You should then be able to import the fixture type(s) you require from the fixture library as follows ...


    Select File - Import Fixture Type then locate and open the fixture library file. Select the fixture type(s) you require.


    Edit the fixture data if necessary and then save to a new user fixture type file.

  10. Agreed, that particular popup window on the monitor could perhaps be a bit more user friendly ... I shall suggest it :P


    You need to go to the front panel window and click on the MFKs where you wish to assign the fixtures. Each MFK that you click will then be assigned to the fixture type you have chosen.


    When you have assigned the required number of fixtures press the ENTER key on the front panel or click on [Finish] on the popup window on the monitor window.

  11. Suggest that you make the front panel window as wide as your monitor screen . This should help you make out the text on the front panel LCDs a bit better. As far as the Main LCD is concerned, a lot of the time it is just instructions or help text for the user. The monitor screeen window contains more comprehensive and legible data :D

  12. What do you mean by 'cannot see the LCD' ? Is it a case of the front panel window is too small to read the text on the LCD or that there is nothing displayed on the LCD ?


    The front panel window does not have a simulated label with legends at the moment. This is something we are hoping to fix in a later version of the Phantom Frog. If you move the mouse pointer over a button or fader, it's name will be displayed in the window header.

  13. You can't program a palette directly to a submaster but you can select the required fixtures, apply the necessary palette and then record that channel data directly to the submaster.


    It is not necessary to record the data as a scene memory and transfer the memory to the submaster.

  14. With a chase on a submaster fader or being played back on the memory stack, it is the Speed control on the front panel that can be used to adjust the speed of the chase as it is running.


    With a chase on a submaster, the submaster fader simply controls the output level of the HTP channels (dimmers and fixture brightness channels) that are programmed.

  15. The STEP button only applies if the Drive modifier of the chase is set to Manual or Beat ...


    Manual ... press the STEP button to output the next step of the chase.


    Beat ... Tap the STEP button twice to set the beat (speed) of the chase.


    If the Drive modifier is set to Auto, then use the SPEED control to adjust the speed of the chase.

  16. 1) Record the steps of the chase as separate cues in a cue stack and then turn the cue stack into a chase and adjust the modifiers as required.


    2) You can save channel data directly onto a UDF or UDK. Channel data on a UDF acts very much like a submaster on the frog series.


    Simply set up the position data you want in the programmer ensuring the required parameters are tagged and then enter the command RECORD <UDF>, where UDF is the flash button associated with the UDF you want to record.


    Whether you choose to use UDFs, UDKs or palettes is really up to you. They can all be used as a method of outputting fixture data.


    3) Select the fixtures that you want to be in the group and then enter the command RECORD GROUP N ENTER, where N is the group number.

    To record the group onto a UDF simply enter the command: GROUP N RECORD <UDF>, where UDF is the flash button associated with the UDF you want to record.


    see the relevant chapters of the Operating Manual for further details.

  17. When editing you can adjust the generic levels by ...


    Holding down the corresponding channel flash button, picking up the existing level by bringing the preset fader through the programmed level. The fader then controls the level of the channel (Modifying Scenes - Page 4-9)


    When the cursor is on the selected channel you can enter the required value numerically via an external keyboard followed by ENTER. (External keyboard - Page 7-14)



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