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van den abbeele Eric

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Everything posted by van den abbeele Eric

  1. SO I can see strob and projector selection but no way to select it. When I m going an Beam it s telling me "no Beam"...
  2. But for my part I will like when I am at the level of the faders in "channels" mode to control with a fader the UV and for example on another fader strobe ... Because when I have to record in theater mode effects one after the others I must be able to quickly access the parameters ... and for example to mount the UV to the wheel elbow takes a while ...
  3. another question : for testing I took an LED projector with me (Stairvilles Retro Flat 18 X 10 W - RGBW + Amber + UV) so I managed without problems to be able to patch and have my projector on the screen of color palettes. I can once the FADER 1 open, playing with the colors except Amber and UV which are selected on two encoder wheels. But no way to have UV without other color... Can I allocate a fader on the UV aspect or create a palette with UV ? And on the other hand I do not buy the strobe ... Can I also for the strobe have an allocated fader? Knowing that UV and Strobe are functions that I use a lot in show.
  4. I checked the version is good! But here after my return from the meal, I try to recalibrate and when I touch the blue edges it does not pass to yellow ... So is it a concern of the rule or the screen? both being brand new ...?
  5. Hello I received the FLX + Wing + Monitor that you advise ... And I can not put on the touch. I did the calibration. When I touch the blue square it becomes yellow and that three times and when I'm asked to draw on the screen, nothing happens ... Thanks for your help... Eric
  6. So Tomorrow I will order the FLX and FLX Wings. So if all work good, I will have the FLX in 8 at 10 days... I can not wait to try your product and work with this new console. And considering that you are affordable to the discussions to be able also to help from my specific experience on the lighting of the Artistic dance. (Jazz, contemporary and classical) See you soon, Eric
  7. Thank ! I order the IIYAMA ProLite T1731SR-W1 for have a good overview... And I m standing about command confirmation by Thomann.de... Normaly I must have my FLX end Last week or just few days after... For futur video yes I will enjoy to discuss with you... For Zero 88 video's, I Download all last week for having a basic training. for keyboards this can be a good point to other brands that only use Querty keyboards ... In any case it is appreciable to feel that you are not far from users. It is positive, even if for you it takes time and we know that time is precious. But at the same time I think the human relationship is important. A good product is good on essential, but how many good brands have no sense of brand relationships to customers and even fewer active forums! And so you can not solve all the problems because evolve a product (OS) takes time and can sometimes bring more problems than to solve. But you're here to help new users. Thank you and see you soon for more info! Eric PS I see on zero88 videos that you use MACBOOKPRO. you never think of going to the MAC OS environment as can Chamsys for instance and MAGICQ?
  8. Hello, Thank you very much for the answers. It s great to have a reel help ! (I think that I like your way of life... when we see you in the car for the launch "We feel a t-shirt 30km into space, launched by FLX S" it's really top!) 1 / Question about the wings ... You talk about HUB powered ... A powered hub is needed from how many wings? Because there if I find an interesting price I will order a FLX + 1 wings. Do I have to predict a HUB? 2 / Side keyboard computer we have in France not the "QWERTY" but "AZERTY" ... Compatible with the FLX? Should it feed the keyboard on the HUB powered? 3 / For now DMX, I think I will not exceed 600 to 700 DMX channels. That means that for the FLX console capable of managing up to 4000 channels, I should not be at the maximum of resources ... 4 / I think immediately buy a touch screen. 5 / VIDEO 1 I think that at the level of use you should consider a video installation. This is the first demarage of the FLX for someone who will discover this new universe. So the alumer, connect the DMX and make the manipulations that go to the patch until the projector turns on ... Then go towards the direction of a first cue. Because in general when we discover a product for the first time, it is always wanting to miss no step and always when we want to turn on the first projector, and although it does not work ... Return to the manual, realize that like any record, it still lacks information and that we find ourselves stuck ... And a video is often more meaningful than a user guide ... And some brands make a video start is what is missing ... Then always think that you know your products and their logic. But a person who discovers the universe of a brand and an OS, it's always questions and the fear of making mistakes, or using videos on the basics ... 6 / VIDEO 2 Then if indeed I enter the world of the FLX and it meets all expectations, I could as I had said, in a previous discussion, make a tutorial in French ... (For the France, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Quebec, and all countries that are French-speaking with English subtitles for other countries ... I have a YouTube channel on DIY that has already almost 2 million views ... And I just launched a new channel on the dance ... So I can diffuse in worries things ... And so that your brand can come to support small theaters that can not afford to buy GrandMA 1, 2 or 3 ... Thank you. Certainly, more questions will come. A good day to you, Eric VDA
  9. Hello Some additional questions ... 1 / Being in a theater scene configuration. I will be with designers on the ground, 4 to 6 PAR LEDs on each side. Designers at the height of man (Lateraux) between 8 to 12 PAR LED on each side behind the scenes. Then on the harrows: 24 to 36 PAR LED Some automatics (5 to 10 lyres) The face with some PCs (Dimmers) I'm going to do groups by families and places on stage ... But to be able to access several projectors, is there a quick way to get there? Example on 5 projector on the floor I want to select 1, 3 and 5 on one side and 2 and 4 on the other? 2 / If I understand the side of the fader I can either have playback, or have control on some projectors ... So if I have 24 fader wings and more, I can on the FLX have for example the playbacks and on the wings outside access to the porjectors for their controls? 3 / Can I on the 24 faders decide which fader controls which channel or fixture of a projector? 4 / If I am in Theater mode and playback with the double button, can I always have faders between playback and chanels / fixture? 5 / I can add 5 Wings Fader giving a total of 144 faders ...? 6 / Do you have FLX users in France ... Towards the Great East ... (Metz, Strasbourg, Thionville, Nancy? 7 / to patch in DMX the FLX with projectors and dimmers, is there a particular order? 8 / DMX patch in one of the places where I go they have about 350 dimmers. But all according to the shows are not used. Then I leave free DMX numbers (unused dimmer ...) 9 / On the side of connected projectors is there a maximum? (in the limit of 2 DMX universes and 2 Art Net universes) Because as mentioned above I can have several tens of projectors on a scene ... And I must be able to find me easily ... Thanks for your help. Eric
  10. Thank a lot Edward So I ve money for buying a FLX. I will order next week and wish to receive week after... So I will come again for other question later. Take care, and good week end !
  11. Thank a lot Edward So I ve money for buying a FLX. I will order next week and wish to receive week after... So I will come again for other question later. Take care, and good week end !
  12. Hello, Some questions... FLX (I did not find the answers in the manual or not sure to have understand...) 1 / In the shows I do, artists often do not come in the same order in repetition and show. So my normal working is in theater mode, i.e. effect 1, 2, 3, 4, etc ... When I'm going to record the cues with the double playback button (equivalent to a GO) how should I proceed? Can I assign numbers as I 've during repetitions? Example at rehearsal groupe 1 at 14H00: cues 50, 51, 52, 53 Then at rehearsal Dancer 3 at 14H30 : Cue 35, 36, 37, 38, etc ... So at 15H00 before coming next group, I will have recording 35, 36, 37, 38, 50, 51, 52, 53 Or is it impossible? Or should I record empty cues, and make updates when the artists are there? In normal show I Have about 150 to 250 cues 2 / Insertion of cues? For example on the jester I have the CUE 1, 2, 3, etc ... And when I want to insert something, I have 1, then "1.5", 2, 3 ... Is it possible on the FLX ? 3 / Moving a cue somewhere ? Possible? exemple from playback 3 to Playback 18... ? 4 / The Update cue function is good for updating the settings of all the projectors that go from the cues and also to add projectors that I had not used before? 5 / Wings Faders : The addition of Wings allows to increase the playback number? Does this also allow 6 / I have a CUE that interests me to copy ... Can I copy it from one playback to another, or from a playback to the double playback button? 7/ For touch monitor, do you have list of compatible monitors ? Thank a lot for your help... PS : Do you think that you will post some other video to help new FLX owner... - for explain how to attribute to Chanel fader, the différents single dimmer and also all different fixture setting... - also how to use Wings fader and the advantage to have wings fader... - Also the effect possibility ? (Exemple for the Chamsys Magic Q, there is some exemple of effect possibly and we see that there is many option...)
  13. thanks a lot Jon. If I can buy a FLX in a while, and my learning is at best, I could make videos of presentation in French to appeal to the light technicians who can not go on Grand Ma or other big consoles to go on the alternative that you propose at Zero88. So I Download Winebottle I will test ZerOS as soon as possible ... Thank ! Take care and have a good week Eric
  14. Hello Edward, thank a lot for your help ! I will try in 2 or 3 days... Do you think that ZerOS will exist an Mac OS ? I dont have facilities on PC/Window. (In Mac OS since 1993) Other question : When we sending manuel with Map to the fixture support, how is it working ? Fixture creation takes a long time ? New fixture are only available with futur update ? Thank for your help and answers. Have a nice day, Salutation from France ! Eric VDA
  15. Hello So a friend give me for few days a PC laptop. And I try to install the Zero OS ... I have a question, about installation, I try to do it and it's telling me that it will erase the disk... That is mean that this software must have a special disk without other software or documents ? Thank for your help Eric
  16. Hello Yes excuse me, I did error in my syntax. I speak about Wing and not about Moving fader. You re right ! But I ve so dyslexic problems... So It was clear in my head about FLX and Wings extensions ! Take care, eric
  17. Hello, Thank you Kevin for your answer. In the first place that's why I asked the question of whether there were users of FLX in France to Edward, because it seems to me to be able to see in real what it gives. Then I think and imagine that the FLX with its numeric keypad should allow me to call a particular projector Or group of projector to allow me to access it quickly ... and if it is indeed it is LED that I can access the parameters ... (7 or 8 channels) When to automatic lyres, I do not think I would go beyond a dozen machines. So having 1 or more Flying Fader can allow me to still have under hand more projectors to be able to work faster ... But indeed it is certain that Solution XL will offer me 96 fader + 36 subgroups at no extra cost, but with older processors. On the other hand by going on the FLX + 1 flying Fader, I will have less access, but I can later add flying fader if the need is felt ... Thank you for the time you take to answer me. It's really cool ! There I download the user manual, so I'll already be able to see things and see the menus. thank you Eric
  18. Hello, the answers help me well ... And FLX looks to be the best ... Kgallen. In fact for dance, I have on each side of the scene: By slide: 1 floor projector (About 8 to 10 projecteurs) 2 or 3 side projectors on feet ( About 16 to 24, traditional and LED) And at the end of harrow sideways very high. (About 8 to 10) Then on the harrows. I have PAR LED rows and lines that allow me to design rows, rows and diagonals on the ground. (About 24 to 36 Leds) And some feww automatic... So teachers / choreographers can ask me for any projector of any slide or group of projectors and having the things in question at hand allows me to go faster indeed. So on the LANBOX I had the drawings of the scene on my screen and I could with a click have any projector or group in 1 second. I know that it will not be possible for me anymore. But having several faders to launch projectors is a saving of time in encoding. Then of course all this show serves me more than anything since I will run the effects one after the other. In general between 150 to 300 effects that follow on the driving ... Anyway going to a new environment I know that I will have to change habits and create new work automatism. With the LAnbox I prepared everything at home projector on the screen, subgroups, and fixtures. So I just had to encode once in the theater. With FLX I would do the same thing, a preparatory work at home ... Thank you for your help and advice that I value! I will try in the coming days the soft ... And especially read the user manual to understand the operation of the FLX. Question: Are there FLX users in France? Because I seek to be able to speak with someone who already uses it .... Thank you again for your help... Eric
  19. Hello Thank you for your answers. Indeed on the side of the controls, I need to have faders for direct access, and encoding (that's why I was looking at Solution and Solution XL) Example on dance competitions, the rehearsal time of each choregraphy is short. So I have to be quick to program! But on the other hand, if leaves the Lanbox, it is for a reason of lack of power. For the traditional with 150/200 DMX circuits things were going well. But with LED / Automatic and 300/350/400 DMX Circuits it was gone! Question: If ZerOS is on Solution and FLX, does that mean that the menus and possibilities will be the same? FLX is more powerful than Solution? How many Wings maximum on FLX? It's sure that I thought I had to go deep inside myself that I had to go on either FLX + wing or Solutions XL .... Simply in case I have to rent equipment, I have less limits with two consoles more powerful. I do not have a PC but 1 mac so hard to try the ZerOS. But I will still see if in my knowledge nobody can lend me a PC 1 Week end. It's for the same reasons that I can not edit fixtures, because for that you need a PC that I have never used in my life. Have been for 35 years on Apple. (No one is perfect ... hey hey) Thank you for your help and listen to you! Eric
  20. Hello, I am Eric (France) and I come back to this forum to clarify my choices. I currently have a Jester 24/48 so I'm happy and working with a LANBOX + Apple computer. this solution Lanbox + computer begins to be unreliable. And I look towards 4 directions ... Purchase for April / May / June ... Solution or solution XL or FLX + wings Or FLX S 48 + wings Material in use: - Traditional dimmers (PAR / PC ) between mini 24 circuits max 300 DMX circuits. - "PAR LED" 100 to 250 DMX circuits - Automatic Lyre 100 to 200 DMX circuits. Type of show: Theater with driving 1, 2, 3, etc ... which follows a music with precise top. More rarely need to send live ... Difficulties: Work with dance associations that rent in a very short time venues. So the encoding must be done quickly and with ease! My questions. When I look at the videos as the specifications, the different products all seem interesting and have big advantages. The prices (Solutions XL and FLX + wings on one side and FLX S 48 + wings and Solution on the other) seem close ... There are more videos about FLX and FLX S solutions and not much about XL solutions and solutions ... So I need your help ... What is the most logical for the traditional mix and Automatic / Led? What encodes the easiest? And if I understand correctly the OS is the same for both consoles? (solutions and FLX) Thank you for your help, Eric VDA Last question : I have some low cost projecteur (Stairville, Cameo and Electroconcept) and I think that this fixture will be not on Desk OS. Can I send you MAP for creating fixture ?
  21. Thanks for your information. I've only a problem, I working on MacBookPro. I never use window. It was for this reasons that I was working with Lanbox. Lanbox was right with old OS. (MAC 10.7 Lion) So I can try to see with people around me, who having Window. Thank for your help. Eric
  22. Thank you for your answers. (Sorry for my bad english, Google translate helps me ...) In fact FLX and FLX S, of course the price indicates that the two types of consoles do not do the same things. Even if the philosophy is the same. What I loved about the Jester is the great ease of programming ... When my LAnbox broke down, I was able in 1 hour to read the instructions and save my show. Encoding of 35 effects with LED, Moving Light and PC. For me the difficulty on dance shows is that I have projectors everywhere on stage. By slide: 2 Laterals / 1 floors (LED / PAR 64) Which is about 20 lateral and 10 floor projectors. Against: 8 to 12 per harrow (LED / PAR 64) What makes 24 LEDS and 12/24 PAR64 Some moving head several showers (PC) and of course on the Face. These are dance competitions, so each group has a short time on stage. And I have to be able to encode very quickly so as not to overrun time. So I must be able to intervene very quickly on any projector or group of projectors, to enter the effects one after the other. Knowing that during the rehearsals, the groups of dancers are not in the order of the show. And so to make the 150 to 200 effects (Cues) I have a morning and an afternoon. So I have to have a rule that allows me to be able to search very quickly projectors, which is instinctive enough to go fast and that especially allows me to make corrections quickly. Here. So in France we have especially the Big MA, Avolites, some Chamsys ... So hard for me to realize the capabilities of FLX and FLX S. And the videos that exist show little in a show situation, to realize the flexibility and capacity of the machine ... That's it! Thank you for your attention.
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