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Posts posted by mikeb

  1. Hiya


    I think you are looking at the 7 DMX channel mode - had a look at the fixture file and all looks as expected with the latest console build.


    What is seen on the LCD is Cyan, Magenta and Yellow though and not Red, Green and Blue. This means the Magenta and Yellow are both at 100 to get Red. Red, Green and Blue can be seen on the monitor in Colour Palettes, Faders.


    If I've misunderstood, please can you tell me more info including console (and software build) and maybe a show-file





  2. Hi Jimmi


    I can see what you mean. If you have configured and selected an RGB fixture and press the Colour MFK, the LCD display shows CYM and not RGB. This is a "feature" of the desk and I haven't seen anywhere in the manual if this can be changed, so may be a new feature request to be able to switch between different display modes. Traditional movers tend to have fixed colour wheels or CMY wheels so is likely to be an interesting discussion. The saving grace is that with a monitor attached, displaying the Colour Palettes and then selecting the Fader button shows RGB, CMY and HSV.





  3. Hiya,


    In the palettes icons I expect you are seeing IBP - Intensity, Beamshape and Palette?


    I raised the same to Jon and a fault has been raised.


    If I remember correctly, this is a feature for the Orb but not the Solution and is only seen if you have the desk in the "Tracking - Advanced" mode. I need to check my emails, but until a fix is available, you could try removing the SMART tagging option whilst recording the palettes which, I believe, will ensure just the individual palette options you are wanting to program are recorded.






    [Edit] I have checked and this is what I was sent;

    ZOS-5698 Palettes on Solution record ICBPE info with Smart Tag

    This is only when in Tracking Mode, with Smart Tag enabled. A quick work around is to disable Smart Tag.






  4. Argh - I accidentally pressed this key during a show yesterday :(


    It's so easy to say "don't press it" but I was adjusting my moving lights then somehow managed to hit the blackout button, leaving those on stage in darkness - thank goodness the followspots were on the ball :)


    The first time in a long while I've accidentally pressed the blackout button but a software switch to enable/disable the button would be advantageous to the console as well as to save my blushes :)

  5. Roy,


    From what I can see the M2 mode of the fixture profile has 10 DMX channels;


    Colour: Color1

    Beamshape: Shutter, Gobo1, G1 Rotate, Macro, FX Mac and FX Speed

    Position: Pan, Tilt, P/T Speed


    I predominantly use a Solution XL or Frog console so forgive me if this is something that you've already tried, but each aspect whether Colour, Beamshape or Position can have multiple "layers". This means that you press the attribute button, in this case Beamshape, more than once to view all the available options.


    Hope this is of use.





  6. Chaps,


    You may find it better if the home positions are set;

    Dimmer = 255 (Full Brightness)

    Pan = 128 (Halfway)

    Tilt = 128 (Halfway)

    Shutter = 4 (Open)

    as these will make the fixture start from a mid-position with lamp on when the "home" button is pressed.


    My only other comment is that the colour should be "Color Wheel" and not "Other Color" but not sure if it makes much difference?





  7. Hi there,


    Your fixture file looks Ok.


    Could you be trying to "Update Fixture file"? If so the console is expecting a Global Fixture file format. On the Solution XL, I "Load UFT" - User Fixture Type for custom fixtures that I've created - this may be similar for you?


    Regarding 5 pin and 3 pin connectivity, the answer is yes - both use pins 1, 2 and 3 with a straight mapping on pins. For 5 pin DMX, pins 4 and 5 were sometimes used for a second universe on other manufacturers equipment but I don't think this was ever established as a standard.





  8. Thank you for the link


    I can probably guess the settings but a copy or list of the DMX page would be useful;


    3 DMX = 1-R, 2-G and 3-B. A generic 3 channel RGB fixture could be used for this mode

    4 DMX = 1-R, 2-G, 3-B and 4-White. A generic 4 channel RGBW fixture could be used for this mode

    The 9 channel DMX is one I'm not so sure about so if you can reply with the details that would be good.





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