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Need help with Program Window problem

Chris Mower

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Been going through the Operating Manual and have hit upon an issue. On the Frog2 LCD when I press the Program Window button on the screen the window that appears on monitor one is the Fixtures window. The button is pressing, and even makes a click, but it only displays the fixture window. Am I doing something wrong, or have misread?

any help appreciated 




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Thanks for such a quick response, I hadn’t expected it on New Years Eve! You guys are good. 
I have attached three pictures. The first shows the display on screen one, which was blank as I had closed down all screens on both displays. The next shows the display after pressing the Program Window button on the LCD, which is shown in the third picture. 
Does this help?



oh, and Happy New Year to you all at Zero88!




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Hi Chris,

Have done a bit of digging into this to remind myself how FROG2 operates. The Program Window was phased out of the FROG2 software in ZerOS (the latest manual was written for software version 4.3). Instead all of the information that was in the Program Window, is shown in the bottom half of the Output Window, when fixtures are selected.

Hope this helps, if you have any questions let us know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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