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Edward Z88

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Edward Z88 last won the day on November 4 2024

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About Edward Z88

  • Birthday June 21


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    Somerset, UK

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  1. Ah that’s a shame - I must have missed you. I was there all day Monday too in a personal capacity.
  2. https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/controlling-fixtures/parameters#syntax
  3. You can set specific percentages. To do this, hold Z/Shift and tap the Pan or Tilt label on the touchscreen. Then tap the Z/Shift key, and use the onscreen number pad to type in @ 25 ENTER. This would then take Pan or Tilt to 25%.
  4. Dear All, After over seven years, and over 3,000 forum posts, it is time for me to say farewell to my time at Zero 88 (now Vari-Lite). Working for Zero 88 has been a pleasure, and I have thoroughly enjoyed being part of this active group of forum members. We were on ZerOS version 7.9.2 when I joined, and FLX S wasn't even around yet. Since then, ZerOS has come a long way, and is now more stable and feature-rich than ever. The ZerOS online manual, plus all the ZerOS training videos, mean that all aspects of ZerOS are now documented to enable users to get the most out of their consoles. I want to say a massive public thank you to @Jon Hole. Over these years he has been a brilliant mentor and friend (and my manager for a period of time!), and was instrumental in me getting into my role at Zero 88 in the first place. Jon and I will of course keep in touch, and hopefully work together again some time in the future. So, I'll type ENTER ENTER @ . RECORD ENTER, and record a fade to black on this chapter. Thanks again to everyone. I really have enjoyed my role. Edward
  5. Thank you for this. This confirms your FLX has the latest DMX circuitry. If you wish to continue using RDM, the next thing to try is using an Art-Net to DMX/RDM gateway. If this works with these fixtures, this would confirm there was a compatibility issue between these fixtures and the FLX console's DMX ports.
  6. I have never seen an ETC fixture with poor RDM implementation. They always seem to be very good. However, I have not personally tested High End Systems fixtures, which is I believe what the Ministar is. Try a different cable, but if that doesn't work either, sounds like cabling should be fine. We were running ZerOS 7.14.3 software at "PlugFest" this year. At "PlugFest", we perform rigorous interoperability tests with FLX S and a bunch of other equipment. FLX S performed incredibly well in these tests. Please could you email me a photo of your console's serial number to support@zero88.com?
  7. Thank you for the show file. This suggests that this fixture is incorrectly reporting with the RDM Device Model ID of an Axcor Spot 300, but with a name of "MINI B SPOT". Therefore, the DMX map will be incorrect, as the fixture is telling the console it is an Axcor Spot 300 when it isn't. This would suggest the console can only intermittently reach the fixture. Check that the DMX line is terminated, and ensure any DMX splitters are RDM compatible. This fixture will be included in a future ZerOS software update. I do not have a date for when this will be implemented. Please see this link, should you wish to create your own custom fixture file... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/patching/add-fixtures/windows-fixture-editor
  8. Sounds there could be an issue with their RDM implementation. Please see this recent thread, for an in-depth description of what may be going on... You can change the DMX Transmission to "Delta", which means the console will lower the DMX frame rate when values are not changing. This option can be found in Setup > Universes > DMX.
  9. Edward Z88

    Merging cues

    To do this, you would need to copy/move cue 10.5 to an empty playback, and then play back this cue along with cue 10. You could then press UPDATE, ensure SmartTag is enabled, and press GO, to merge the data (On Orb, you could use LOAD syntax, to allow you to go into a cue and also load a cue into the programmer, to allow you to easily merge the data.)
  10. Hello, I'd recommend updating your console's software to ZerOS 7.14.3. The latest software is ZerOS 7.14.3, which can be downloaded from the link below… https://vari-lite.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/software-firmware/ZerOS-7.14.3.exe Release notes listing software changes can be found on the ZerOS webpage… https://www.vari-lite.com/global/products/zeros-software Software updates completely wipe your console, so make sure you save a copy of your show file to a USB drive first if you need it. For information on saving your show file, please see the link below… https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/save Once you have backed up your show file, installation instructions can be found here… https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/load/zeros-software Once installed, you will be able to load your show file back into the console from a USB drive. For more information, please see the link below… https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/load/zeros-show-files I hope this information is helpful. If you have any questions regarding the software installation process, please let us know.
  11. Hi @SKLSKL I would recommend operating the Equinox PIXELpoint Battens in 120-channel mode. This will allow you to patch a "40-cell – 8-bit" RGB Multicell fixture, which can be found under the “Generic” manufacturer in Add Fixtures. If you cannot find these generic multicell fixtures on your console, I would recommend updating your console’s software. If you would like installation instructions, please let me know. Once you have patched this fixture, please watch the video below for more information on controlling multicell fixtures... Please let us know if you have any questions.
  12. Hi @EwenA Thanks very much for grabbing all of those. Please find the zip file attached, including each of the RDM modes for these fixtures... Please extract the files and load each one in, and then plug in a fixture. It should be discovered and patched, and you should then be able to change its mode correctly. I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions. Cameo F2 FC RDM.zip
  13. Hi @EwenA Thank you very much for attaching your show file. This is interesting. These fixtures are reporting an RDM "Device Model ID", that does not match the RDM Device Model ID that is in our library. Therefore, when the console sees these fixtures, it thinks they must be different to the F2 FC fixtures already in the library. This is why you are seeing this behaviour: As the console cannot find a suitable fixture in the library with a matching RDM Device Model ID, the console is then creating a fixture personality automatically, based on the information it can obtain over RDM. These fixtures are only reporting a limited amount of information over RDM. For example, the fixtures are not telling the console what its parameters are doing. The console therefore has no way of knowing which parameter is intensity, or which parameter is red for example. This is why you are seeing this behaviour: Your show file includes the RDM Device Model ID that your fixtures are actually reporting. I have therefore added this RDM information into the F2 FC fixture from the library, and then exported this fixture file, which can be found attached... If you reset the console, load in this fixture file, and then connect your fixtures, the console should then automatically patch this correct fixture from the file, rather than attempt to create a basic fixture file over RDM. The only issue is this file only includes the RDM information for the personality the fixtures were in when you saved your show file. Therefore if you were to change your fixture's mode, it would report RDM information that the console cannot find a match for. The only way around this, would be to send me separate show files for each of the fixture's modes, where you have allowed the console to discover the fixture in each mode. I can then extract the RDM information from the show files for each mode, and then add these into fixture files, which you can then load in to your console. That way, the console will then know about the fixtures, irrespective of which mode they're in, and RigSync will then work seamlessly. As you can see, things get complicated quite quickly with RDM. Ultimately this is all due to these fixtures reporting something different to the information that we have for them. I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions. Edward Cameo F2 FC 7ChRGBCCT RDM.zfix
  14. Hi @Sape & @kgallen I have emailed you both a link to the Rackmaster schematic.
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