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Web Server


To configure Gateway 8 via the internal web-server, either type in the IP address of the product or, if your web-browser supports NetBios, type “zero88gateway8/".

To find the IP address, use DMX-Workshop.

Gateway 8 Web
Gateway 8 Web Ip

IP Settings

The IP settings for the product are displayed in the top section of the screen. The Edit control allows the static IP, subnet mask and gateway to be configured. DHCP operation can be selected via DMX-Workshop.

The indicator meanings are as follows:

  • Online: Green = live connection between browser & product; Red = connection lost
  • Power: Green = powered; Flashing green = Identify; Red = Fault
  • Net: Yellow = Link; Green = Art-Net or sACN activity
Gateway 8 Web Port

Port Settings

The settings for each DMX port can be configured via the web-browser using the following columns:

  • Port: The DMX port number
  • DMX: Green shows changing data
  • RDM: Tick to enable RDM
  • Delta: Tick to enable delta transmission (DMX frames are only sent when network data changes)
  • Universe: Set the universe (port address) for this output
  • Rate: Sets the DMX refresh rate:
  • High = 24 ms frame time
  • Medium = 32 ms frame time
  • Slow = 48 ms frame time
  • Protocol: Select either Art-Net or sACN control over this output
  • Merge: Select HTP or LTP merge when 2 controllers send data to this port (for more information, see ‘Merging’ section).
  • Label: Editable field for port name