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  1. Today
  2. Thank you Edward and Davidmk. Your advice and support is much appreciated. Kind regards. Rob
  3. Hello, Glad to see that the forum is rebuilding! Beautiful day everyone Eric
  4. Yesterday
  5. Weirdly enough I couldnt receive any ArtNet with DMXControl either. Either way, I've updated to the latest ZerOS and now everything works as expected. Thanks!
  6. Last week
  7. Many thanks for the confirmation@Edward Z88. As I feared but half-expected I was probably mis- remembering some other operation. S.
  8. Hi All, Apologies for the confusion here. Group/palette syntax isn’t available on Solution consoles. Keys such as GROUP purely change the MFKs, and do not bring the function onto the command line. You therefore cannot delete/copy/move multiple Groups or Effects in one operation.
  9. Hi @showguy From memory, ArtNettominator reports itself as an Art-Net controller, not a receiver. In older software versions, FLX S would only send Art-Net to receivers, not other controllers on the network (this is what @kgallen is correctly recalling). Normally you wouldn’t want to send Art-Net DMX data to another console on the network for example. This behaviour was changed in ZerOS 7.14, to avoid the exact confusion you’ve encountered. Therefore, make sure your console is running ZerOS 7.14.3, so Art-Net is sent to “controllers” such as ArtNetominator. Hope this helps.
  10. As @Davidmk says, you cannot have two devices on the network with the same IP address. They must be unique, but on the same subnet in range. So, if the FLX S and laptop both had a subnet of, these would be valid IP addresses: FLX S Remote connection: Laptop (running ZerOS Monitor for example): Default gateway/router is not required for simple network configuration like this. More information here… https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/networking/using-the-remote-apps
  11. Ramblings of the insane...! I've had a good ole dig around on this subject and I can't find much at all. Clearly looking in the wrong place. There is a minimal keyboard map in the 7.9.2 Solution manual but I've not found anything else. In a release note for 7.10 it talks about Copy-to and Move-to but that is FLX only. Sorry, I'm drawing a bit of a blank - and not knowing Solution at all really isn't helping (I went from Fat Frog to FLX). If I come across anything before Edward posts, I'll offer up some more drivel. Kevin
  12. Maybe this was the thread, but I don't know how directly relevant it is. Might have a few things for you to check/compare or to trigger some thoughts of your own on settings etc. Sorry I don't have a direct answer.
  13. Thanks kg (if I may be so familiar - been reading your helpful replies for a while). Don't seem to work on my Solution. If I press [Del] then G on the keyboard, I just have "Delete" on the syntax line. I've tried pressing [Group] on desk and on remote but... nothing. There's a short list of keyboard shortcuts in the final Solution manual (> = thru; @; etc) which work but the FLX ones don't seem to carry across. S.
  14. I've had good success with Art-Net on my FLX. There was some thread a while back about some external tools not picking up the packets. Something to do with polling or broadcast or unicast or something like. I can't find the thread now of course and anyway it might not be relevant... I assume you've been through the relevant manual pages? Here it is before someone more knowledgeable comes along! https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/universes/art-net
  15. Hi, Ive been having some trouble getting Art-Net running. I have enabled Art-Net under the Universe Section, and set my current universe. Im using Artnetominator to see if I receive Art-Net. However, I simply dont receive anything. Sending Art-Net from another PC in the same network (same router/switch) I receive Art-Net okay. The FLX S 24 gets an IP via DHCP from my Router, static wont work either, so its not an network issue. Connecting the console directly to my PC without any switch whatsoever wont work either. What am I missing?
  16. These pages do specifically mention FLX, but as Solution runs "the same" ZerOS maybe worth giving them a try. Sorry if you already know about these! https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/shortcuts/keyboard-shortcuts
  17. I'm having a tidy up of my groups & effects libraries, trying to delete old ones & re-arrange the ones to keep. The zeros manual uses syntax to effect these changes but I can't get my Solution to do the same. Having pressed copy-to, how do I get it into Group mode to pick source & target. (I'm sure I've done this before, but I see the last Solution manual says the Copy button is just for Cues). Similarly, I want to delete multiple groups in one operation but same problem arises. I know some keyboard shortcut work on Solution - is there a list of which ones? Simon
  18. If this means exactly match then that might be the problem. The first 3 numbers of the laptop's address should match, the last should be between 0 (or is it 1) and 255 but different to any of the addresses used by the desk. Note that the desk should have a number of addresses, at least one for the desk itself then, if you are using them, one each for ArtNet/sACN, CITP, remote apps, tracking backup and OSC,
  19. Hi, I am having a problem connecting my laptop to my flx24. I have done it in past, but can't do it now. I have enabled devices on the console, checked the ip address etc. On my laptop I have set the static ip address to match the console's ip address and the mast has auto populated correctly. I have not put anything in the default gateway ? What have i done wrong or missed ? Thanks Rob
  20. Earlier
  21. I was helping look at the unwanted colours that occur when fading between two cues in a show where the Colour Timing had been set to 0 secs so was causing snap cue colour transitions and unwanted colour morphing as can be seen in this DropBox video. Pymalion 0 sec Colour Time . Another unwanted effect was the Event Lighting Pixerbar12Hex doing linear colour shifts along the bar. I experimented with extending the Colour Fade Time and found that if you use a Colour fade Time of Cue Fade Time plus 4 seconds, most of the colour morphing did not occur, the led bars colour faded smoothly and the only manual adjustment was presetting house curtain wash colours in the blackout preceding the curtain wash, as a preset in black. See end results in this DropBox video. Pygmalion Colour Time is Cue Time plus 4 seconds .
  22. Bonjour, J'ai répondu à votre email le 24 mai. S'il vous plaît laissez-moi savoir si vous souhaitez que je le renvoie. Hello, I replied to your email on the 24th May. Please let me know if you'd like me to resend it.
  23. I would email this to support@zero88.com as they will want to do some diagnostics with you.
  24. Bonjour, un soucis sur ma FLXs48 : elle bloque sur l'écran de démarrage lorsque je l'allume. J'utilise la version 7.14.1. Les solutions proposées par le mode d'emploi ou le site internet ne fonctionnent pas. Quelqu'un à t'il une solution miracle ?
  25. Good morning For you, are there any advantages to going instead to a particular iPad to have good use of ZerOS IOS applications? reliability? Convenience ? Wifi connectivity? others... Ipad? iPad Air? or iPad Pro? Thank you, Eric
  26. Hi @pierotec No it is not - .zfix files support “multicell” fixtures, whereas the Zero 88 Fixture Editor does not. Therefore .zfix files cannot be converted to .ift. .zfix files can be edited in the ZerOS Fixture Creator… https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/patching/add-fixtures/edit-export Hope this helps.
  27. Yep, that worked, Ed. Many thanks. cheers.
  28. Hi, it is possible to convert a fixture file .zflx to .ift I tried with Fixture Tools software but .zflx is not accepted. Thank you P.
  29. On the bottom of the Front Panel view it has Right click to press-and-hold.
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