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Posts posted by Kirkup_xp

  1. Hi Bilderbuch


    The Highlight function is already implemented - hold down SHIFT and press HOME to latch it on/off for the selected fixtures.


    I'll have a think about the Next/Last fixture selection, as it sounds like it would be pretty useful.



  2. Hi Mason


    The submaster page down problem is a bug which will be fixed in the next release - ZOS-2731.


    Pressing shift and a submaster flash button brings up a window which appears on Frog 2 and ORB and has snuck into Leap Frogs.... we are working on some improvements to this window which will be integrated in future releases.


    Hope this helps,



  3. Hi Stephen


    Thanks for the post - it looks like importing the show file onto a Leap Frog isn't correctly assigning channels to a 'location' (fader, MFK, etc). As a work-around you can load the show file into a Frog 2 (using Phantom ZerOS) and then load it into the Leap Frog. As the Leap Frog then sees the file as a Frog 2 show file it goes through a different import process and assigns the channels correctly.


    This will be fixed in a future build (ZOS-2732), but hopefully the work around will suit you for now.


    Kind Regards,





  4. Hi Piero


    Unfortunately on the original hardware design for Frog 2, the second monitor is generated by a different processor to the first monitor. Therefore, it cannot support the advanced graphics which are supported on the other monitors. Newer Frog 2s are being built with a different mother board which supports these graphics on both monitors. We do have an upgrade kit available so that existing users can upgrade if they wish - please contact your Zero 88 distributor for pricing and information.


    I hope this helps,


    Kind Regards,

  5. Hi Dan


    The Jesters can control anything which recieves DMX, however you will find using the faders to control the moving lights and scanners very limiting - not only will you run out of channels quickly, but each moving light you add will take away from the number of generic channels you can run. I'd suggest looking at one of the Jester ML desks (say, Jester ML24) which have dedicated moving light controls PLUS 24 channels of dimming.


    I hope this helps,

  6. Zero 88 Fixture Library - Version 21


    Contains 1982 fixtures from 144 different manufacturers. For a list of fixtures in the library ... CLICK HERE.


    The library is released in 2 formats:

    - a full unfiltered version for desks running ZerOS software (Frog 2, Leap Frog 48, Leap Frog 96, ORB).

    - a smaller filtered version for other Zero 88 desks. This removes data that is not used by these other desks, so that the file is smaller. When using a floppy disk (original Frog series, Illusion500) it is recommended that the floppy disk be freshly formatted before copying the library onto it.


    The correct format of the library for your desk can be downloaded from the relevant product support page.

    The files are zipped, and must be unzipped before they can be used. If you experience problems using the built-in zip file functions of Windows XP, then try Winzip. The library (.ift file) should be placed in the root directory of the floppy disk or USB stick.


    ZerOS desks (Frog 2, Leap Frog 48, Leap Frog 96, ORB) - The latest fixture library is automatically installed on the desk as part of each operating software update, however this can be updated from USB if required in Setup -> Files -> Update Fixture File.


    JesterML & JesterTL - The fixture library is installed on the desk at manufacture, however this can be updated from USB if required in Setup -> Update Fixture Lib -> Update Library.


    Frog Series and Illusion 500 - the fixture library should be copied to a floppy disk.


    Diablo - the fixture library is used with the Diablo Fixture Manager PC software.


    Sirius 250/500 - use the Fixture Type Editor to import fixture types from the fixture library, and then use the 'Export Sirius UFT' function (under the 'File' menu) to generate data in the correct format for the Sirius 250/500.


    Further details of assigning fixtures on the desk to fixture types in the fixture library can be found in each desk's operating manual.


    If you need a fixture type which is not in the library, then you can create this yourself using the Fixture Type Editor. If you post a link to the manufacturers datasheet on the forum, we will endeavour to add the fixture in the next library release.

  7. ZerOS Software Version 5 Released


    Zero 88 are pleased to announce the launch of ZerOS version 5 software for Leap Frog 48, Leap Frog 96, Frog 2 and ORB. The following are now available from the Downloads section of the website free of charge:


    New desk software (ZerOS 5.0)

    Offline editor software (Phantom ZerOS 5.0)

    New installation guides (PDF)


    Version 5 includes a number of new features including:

    • Gobo Image Previews on-screen
    • Colour previews in the palette window
    • Improved 'skinned' visual style


    A full list of changes together with bug fixes are available in the Release notes.

  8. Hi Bilderbuch


    At the moment the integration with Capture is only for visualisation, not for bidirectional communications. We may look to change this in the future though - your thoughts have been added to our future ideas. As you know, you can achieve this bidirectional communications with LightConverse.


    I hope this helps,




  9. Hi Peter


    It's possible that the thumb wheel sensor has come loose slightly from the wheel itself. This can be easily rectified by your Zero 88 distributor and should be covered under the warranty for the desk. If you have no joy with your distributor, please let us know and we can arrange repair here.


    Kind Regards,




  10. Hi Piero


    Can you confirm which desks you're having problems with? Does the desk show the DMX in the DMX Window, DMX-In tab? Have you tried using a different cable?



  11. Hi Bilderbuch


    You can achieve this using Macros on the desk - the way I would do this is to record the macro as follows:



    <hold MFK to start recording>


    Page Up & Down Together (this forces Page 1)



    CLOSE... CLOSE (I do this about 10 times, to close any existing open windows)



    SIZE... SIZE



    SIZE... SIZE



    SIZE... SIZE



    SIZE... SIZE

    MACRO (to stop recording)


    Then you can attach the macro to a cue or submaster if needed.

  12. Hi Mason


    This is a feature of the Smart Tags functionality on the desks. With Smart Tags enabled, if the shutter channel is at 0% the desk won't store any information about that fixture (it assumes that Shutter = 0 means the fixture is in blackout). The easiest thing to do is to modify the Default value for Shutter to 1% in Edit Fixtures and then storing the scenes will work as expected.


    I hope this helps,




  13. Hi Denis


    Yes, you will need to upgrade the desk to use the remote software.


    If you save your show file to a USB stick, then reload it when you have updated the software, the patch data (along with any other show data) should be retained.


    Kind Regards,

  14. Hi Bo


    No, the desk records *channel* levels when you press Record. The way I would have done this is to multiple-patch one fader to 6 outputs, using Edit Fixtures, Patch... press the "Add" button and add a new DMX address to the channel selected.


    I hope this helps,



    Kind Regards,

  15. Hi Carwyn


    yes, it's possible to import this. You need to first translate the show from SSF to ASCII (ALQ) using the "Show port" utility which is available on the Strand website - http://www.strandlight.com/US/softwares.html


    Once you have the show file in ALQ format, copy it onto a USB stick and load it into the desk as normal. It should load fine however there will be a few things you'll need to do -

    *Effects wont be programmed

    *Chases wont be programmed

    *Groups get translated to palettes as best we can, but of course will need updating


    The fixtures will be imported as "Fixture Type 1" "Fixture Type 2" etc, as the ALQ format doesnt contain the name of the fixture itself. Use the "Change Type" button in Edit Fixtures to change it to use the internal fixture profile, then repatch the fixture as required.


    I hope this helps - let us know how you get on,



  16. Hi Carl


    The way I do this on the Leap Frog is to open the windows I want at the time by pressing the Memories, Outputs, etc buttons when I want to see that information. The Frog 2 has 2 monitor displays, as does ORB.


    We have discussed adding the ability to view displays on a PC application at a later date. Your comments have been added to the discussion.


    I hope this helps,




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