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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi Martin, Hope you can find the reason for this soon. When Wireshark is running, it should put the currently sniffed NIC (Network Interface Card such as Ethernet or WiFi) into “promiscuous mode”. This means it should be able to see traffic out of range and not on the NIC’s Host Address. A way for your PC to become an ArtNet device, is to run a piece of software that can be controlled by ArtNet. You could use our presentation files of Capture visualisation software for this... http://support.zero88.com/1004254221 Run this application, and Capture will then send an ArtPollReply packet from the PC to the source (in response to the ArtPoll), and you will then see ArtDMX being sent to your laptop. If you have RDM enabled on FLX S, you will also see ArtTodRequest packets, as FLX S is asking devices for any RDM information. Hope this helps, Edward
  2. Hi Martin, ArtNet devices should always send ArtPollReply packets, to notify other ArtNet devices of its presence. If a device doesn't, it would be considered "offline", and the source would stop sending ArtDMX to that device. Edward
  3. Hi Martin, I’m not able to attach a Wireshark capture file now, however will do this for you so you can take a look. You should be seeing ArtDMX packets from FLX S, ArtPoll packets from FLX S, and ArtPollReply packets from all ArtNet devices. That’s odd, what is your ArtNet device? Yep, I think all of the Zero 88 community are going to be finding their consoles are getting used less on shows in the next few months. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  4. Hi Adam, Yes that is correct. If you have RDM enabled fixtures connected to FLX S, it should be able to detect them, and patch them for you. If you then change the fixture's mode, or change its address from the console, the settings will also change on the fixture. For more information, see the video below... Hope this helps, Edward
  5. Hello, To loop a cue stack automatically, set an auto after trigger on cue 1. Tap the settings button at the end of cue 1’s row, and using the Trigger drop down, chose Auto After. You can then configure a wait time, and the console will then run cue 1 after the last cue. As you mention, only real way of doing this on FLX S, is to use the rainbow effect. On the full size FLX console, you could apply an effect to the virtual colour wheel channel and offset this across your fixtures, however FLX S consoles are limited to the auto effects. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  6. Hi Nigel, OK thanks for the information. Without knowing everything used for your small network, I wonder if Macs block less traffic if using DHCP, rather than a static IP? If that is what affected the system to work, it doesn’t sound like it was anything wrong with the settings on Capture or FLX S. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  7. Hi both, The audio input can trigger chases to run. When you’ve programmed a chase, you can go into its settings, and enable sound to light. The audio jack input can be a balanced or unbalanced signal. Many sound consoles have jack outputs for monitors, which you can take a feed from and plug into the console. For best results, feed a bass filtered signal, so the console knows what to step the chase’s cues to. It’s always good to also have the ability to adjust the volume level entering the console. Hope this helps, Edward
  8. Hi Neil, For a list of known compatible touchscreens, see below... http://support.zero88.com/975056031 Our new touchscreens we use for demos can be found below... https://iiyama.com/gl_en/products/prolite-t2236msc-b2/ Hope this helps, Edward
  9. For this, I would recommend not including the "piano" fixtures in your main wash states. That way you have your main washes on playbacks, your piano state, and then your washes on playbacks just for the piano fixtures, giving you the most mixing flexibility. Hope this helps, Edward
  10. Hi Olly, Yes, the fixtures should be moving on dark in cue 1. However, you may find they aren't being given enough time to do so. You may therefore have to speed up the move on dark timings. To do this, hold SETUP and tap the playback's button, to open the playback settings. Then choose Move On Dark from the top, and adjust the move on dark delay and fade times for this playback. There are a couple of options. Firstly, do the fixtures have a "Blackout whilst moving" feature? This is common on many moving heads. This is sometimes found under "PTSpeed", or "Special"/"Funct."/"Control" parameters. If so, you could enable this (potentially from a UDK if required), so that when you don't want live moves, the fixtures are forced to turn off when moving. You could then lower the playback, it would then release, and because this causes a move, the fixture would stay off whilst moving. The other option, is to program the below cues... Note that for this, Move On Dark is disabled, and positions are stored manually, with SmartTag disabled. Cue 1: Select your "Piano" fixtures, @ ., apply the piano palette, and record as cue 1 on an empty playback. Cue 2: Simply raises the intensity of the "Piano" fixtures, automatically after the previous cue. Cue 3: "Piano" fixtures @ ., and apply the palette of the position the fixture should be in when this playback isn't active. Cue 4: "Piano" fixtures @ ., Record as cue 4, and set this cue to auto follow, and release itself. The intensity mixing of the playback should be Latest Takes Precedence. To run this, you can then simply raise the fader, the light turns off, moves, and fades back on automatically. To release this playback, press the go button of this playback, to fade this fixtures off, move them, and fade back to the existing lighting state. Hope this helps, Edward
  11. Hi Neil, Im guessing these fixtures just have a shutter, and no intensity parameter. If so it should default to the shutter being closed. If it isn’t, there may be an error with the fixture file. To edit the fixture’s defaults on the console, select the fixture, close the shutter, tap RECORD, and then tap the Home icon, and store as defaults. Make sure you have SmartTag disabled when doing this. For more information, see below... http://support.zero88.com/1011707631 Hope this helps, Edward
  12. Hi Olly, Apologies if I’ve misunderstood your description. So basically you want to be able to introduce a playback which is controlling lights that are already controlled by an active playback, and rather than seeing attributes changing, the fixtures fade down and then up? If so, for the playback you are fading in, you could have 2 cues programmed. The second being your desired lighting, which could auto follow from cue 1. Cue 1, would then be these fixtures at 0%, so when the playback is raised, these fixtures fade off, move on dark runs, and then fades the new state on. You would of course need the intensity mixing to be set to LTP. You would also need to ensure you select your fixtures, @ ., and then record the first blackout cue with SmartTag disabled, so the console stores the fixtures at 0%. Stomping wouldn’t solve this, as it would essentially release the currently active playback. Edward
  13. Hello, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. Fixture numbers are tied to the channel fader number, so channel faders cannot be numbered separately to the fixture number. You could however store each fixture to its own playback if you wanted to, so that each fixture is on a playback page in your custom order. Hope this helps, Edward
  14. No problem, any questions let me know. Edward
  15. Hi Olly, I have updated the guide as per Phantom ZerOS 7.9.7, as the CITP option is now under Universes rather than Visualisation. You should find if you start Capture with Phantom's CITP IP of chosen, Capture detects the CITP protocol. Toggling from and then back to the will prompt Capture to detect this IP. Edward
  16. You won't need to change any IPs if you are controlling Capture from Phantom on the same PC, as you will; simply need the PCs loopback IP of Edward
  17. Hi Olly, SHIFT + F10 is the keyboard shortcut for the SETUP key. This will work if your active window is the LCD or External Monitor windows. To make them active click in the Windows, or close and reopen the window from the Phantom launcher. Hope this helps, Edward
  18. Hi Olly, For information on how to connect Capture and Phantom on the same PC, see below... http://support.zero88.com/988883201 If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  19. Hi Rob, There is no need to eject the USB stick. When you’re done you can simply unplug it. Edward
  20. Hi Rick, Great glad to hear it. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  21. Hi Rick, To configure a cue to automatically follow the previous, tap the Settings button at the end of the cue’s row in the cue list window. Then from the trigger drop down, choose Auto After. You can then configure a wait time if you wish, and click OK. Hope this helps, Edward
  22. Hi Rick, Yep that’s it. If you program the blackout in there, the console will be able to prep the fixtures for you. If a quick move is required, hold SETUP and tap the playback’s button to open the Playback Settings. Then tap Move On Dark from the top. You can then configure the delay which is the time the console waits once the fixture is at 0%, and the fade is the duration the fixtures then take to move. In your example the third cue, could be an Auto After previous, so you simply press Go to go into black, and the console then moves the light and turns it back on automatically. Hope this helps, Edward
  23. Nah go for it I call that ingenuity. Don’t worry I won’t tell the marketing team 😂 Edward
  24. Hi Rick, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. By default, the console will do this work for you, without having to change the fixture’s control channel. This function is called Move On Dark. Whenever you store a cue where a moving light is at 0% intensity, the console will see if it can prepare its colour, beam and position information to the values needed for the next time the light is on. I’d therefore recommend not using the Control function, as this is available for if you are using a console without Move On Dark functionality. That’s correct. If you wish to delete a single cue, or a few cues from the playback, tap DELETE, and then using the MFKs type the cue number you wish to delete, and then press the playback’s button. You can then confirm to delete the cue. The same process as above goes for inserting cues. Create your lighting state you wish to insert, tap RECORD, and then using the MFKs type the cue number you wish to store this as, such as 10.5, and then press and playback’s button to store this onto. The INSERT button used to be used in older software versions. Now the INSERT button is a spare button, which you can configure to give advanced functions. To do this hold SETUP and tap INSERT, and then choose a normal and a shifted function. If you wish to confirm your current software version, tap Other Windows, which is found top left of the Output Window. From the drop down choose System Information. In here will be a line of text showing the software version. If this is the mode you’re happy in that’s fine. The video below explains tracking, which might help you out... Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. Edward
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