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Posts posted by Haytech

  1. Hi SP,

    it´s indeed a very good idea to took the PC as it was meant to be ...

    but it´s worse to carry a whole PC with U on tour or event even a laptop is too much. esp. when you only have about 1½ hours to build up your rig including sound and lights FOH and some riser for drums etc.


    Anyway I like your way to solve problems - go on with it

  2. On friday we were booked by a small band (6) to made sound and lights.

    So far it wasn´t a problem we decided to took a 6KW soundsystem and about 14 KW lights with us. We arrived at venue about 16:00 o´clock at venue ( a very small tent ) realizing that there was hootenanny on the stage (6x4 m) (without PA) The manager said that they will play until 19:00 o´clock and the others start at 20:00 o´clock. Then I looking for our power distribution I found a 16A schuko plug ( 1phase 16A max. ) So I asked the publican were I can find a 32A 3phase as arranged before. He shows me the powerdistributor

    little way away from the tent (60m ) but there was a 32A plug and it was occupied by a shooting gallery. I asked the owner to change our plugs - ha wasn´t very happy about, at least he agreed. Then we build up our FOH mixing consoles I decided to us our XLS size matters we used 2x2m only ! then the publican gets into a tizzy about using so much space in the tent :) he was telled that if we can´t put it there we dont´t play tonight. It was OK then. We build up the rig behind the stage were the brass band still is playing . Then about 18:00 o´clock our band arrived and complained about everything ( They aren´t very good but they were the stars tonight)


    The whole thing was a disaster but sound and light´s worked fine ...

  3. Hello my name is Sebastian Knut Hayduk and I live in Syke near Hannover in Germany.


    I´m 23 years old, my interest besides doing lights are computers, climbing up and down again ;) swimming and internetsurfing as you can see I spend much time on the net.


    I got my apprenticeship diploma in computersience four years ago

    then I was draft into community service here I savour my time as ambulance driver.


    Since two years I´m sysadmin at Feinblechsysteme Lentz GmbH which a are building sheetmetal works. I supervise about 35 systems in 2 buildings

    there are about 5 CNC machines in our LAN too.


    After work, at sunset I usually go to bed :lol:


    At weekends I become "Haytech" doing lights for Pro Sound Showtechnik Nienburg a small hire company.



  4. Dirk Busch - Balladen Pur aber nicht nur -Tour 2004


    24x PAR 64 CP60 MFL (Backtruss)

    12x PAR 64 CP62 MFL (FOH)

    4xFresnels 1KW

    2x Disisti 2KW

    6x Mac600

    6x Mac500

    3x Arena Dimmer 12ch

    1x Zero88 Leapfrog


    a pocket full of LEE Filters to go ... :) My favorites ar 117 steel blue, 134 golden amber .


    naked models missing :(

  5. Moderation: Split from the Effects Generator and Wheel Editing Modes topic.


    I suggest that you try displaying the Fixture Outputs screen on the monitor and look at the parameter values for the different fixtures as you move the wheel


    Displaying the Fixture Outputs screen ? - Errr have I miss anything the last ten months ? Just curious about that one ...dry.gif


    The outputs screen shows data taken from the first selected fixture, isn´t it ?

  6. Hi K-Nine,

    Andi hasn´t replied yet, I donno if it is a good or a bad sign :wink:

    We will let you know if there are more problems about fade/snap


    K Neun entschuldigt das er kein deutsch spricht, und fragt

    Ob wir das snap/fade problem lösen konnten -

    Diese frage kann ich nur an Andi weitergeben ....

  7. Hi Andi,

    es gibt da gleich ein paar möglichkeiten, zunächst solltest Du feststellen, ob das Update wirklich gefunzt hat


    [*] Drücke + und - und Enter

    [*] DeskInformation


    wenn die Version wirklich auf 9.6 Upgedatet wurde, kann es daran liegen,

    dass die LTP Fadezeit auf 00:00:0 Steht

    Die LTP Fade Zeit ist die Zeit die der Fade egal ob Colour / Beamshape / Position durchläuft.

    Stelle sie z.B. auf 00:03:0 dann laufen die Daten innerhalb der 3 Sec von Value1 zu Value2 sieht sehr näckisch aus, mit ein Paar Scans


    LTP steht für latest takes presence - neuster wert wird gesendet

    das betrifft natürlich nur die Fixtures nicht das Konventionelle Licht.


    Viel Erfolg !

    Vielen Dank Felix

  8. Hallo Andi,

    ich glaube hier ist etwas deutsch von nutzen :)

    kannst Du mir Dein problem etwas genauer beschreiben ?


    Hi Andi,

    it´s posiible to post in german too,

    please discribe your problem step by step ...


    K-Nine - please move this post to How Do I ...

  9. I have to "correct" my opinion on lightingdesk of future ...

    Its a little "back to the roots" opinion so some people may not agree with me.

    but we will see.


    My suggestion after a fair lookaround and discussion on that

    [*] generic light console - generics / submasters

    [*] fixtures with enhenced movement effects

    [*] a pocket full of pallettes (predefined per fixture would be very nice)

    [*] a chasetime / movementtimer/trigger to handle like a fader

    [*] Timetable view of things

    after all desks I have seen on the fair I decided never buy a PC based desk (all operations made by PC)


    All of the features we are crying for are incredibly expensive and very vulnerable.

    What do we really need ?

    [*] quick programming scenes and chasers movement

    [*] quick variation of a show -other fixtures etc. etc.

    [*] saving a show on disk

    [*] 100% availability on each environment (venues outdoor gigs)


    don´t hold back tell us your opinion on that.

  10. Many thanks to K-Nine :)


    Hi Markus66,

    K-Nine is right I didn´t thought about using the submasters...

    if you use them while programming too you don´t have to use the brightness wheel anymore.

    Just have one submaster for all PowerSpot250 - stay in mind, that you have to lower this submaster befor pressing program - so you have the brightness control all over the show.

    My favourite is to have brightness of even scans and odd scans so you can do cool effect flashing have say scan 1,3, 5 on sub 2 and scan 2, 4, 6 on sub 3

    maybe this is a way to keep you going.


    Here is another suggestion this require you to forego the last 4 DMXValues or have them on other generics channels.


    made your own fixture file with this features available:

    [*]1 PAN

    [*]2 PAN fine

    [*]3 TILT

    [*]4 TILT fine

    [*]5 colour

    [*]6 gobo

    [*]7 gobo effect

    [*]8 prisma

    [*]9 shutter

    then patch the last values to generic channels.

    Make sure not to autopatch your scans ! - the desk don´t know about the

    missing DMX values between fixture and fixturefile !

    the missing parameters shouldn´t riled you, they are:

    [*]10 dimmer (!)

    [*]11 focus

    [*]12 special (internal movement effects)

    [*]13 movement off

    [*]14 speed

    [*]15 laser

    to have them available you can patch them to generic channels also.


    You should think carefully about using this suggestion

    it´s damd hard work to get all the effects out of your scans with this settings.


    Please keep us up, how you are doing I´m curious about that ...

  11. I pay compliments to ice :)


    first the work:


    14m above stage floor 8O not amused

    also not a Martinâ„¢ advertise :lol:


    then the fun (other venue)





    24xPAR64 CP60 / 12xPAR64 CP62 / 3xDisisti 2KW / 4xTeatro 1 KW

    6x Mac 500 / 4x Mac 600 / TourHazer

  12. Anyone know if it's possible to move fixture brightness control to a generic fader?

    I know the wheel does the same thing, it’s just more intuitive to use a fader (I work with a lot of conventionals as well as moving lights).

    you get it alredy :)

    Perhaps because the supposed dimmer channel is right smack in the middle of the fixture’s DMX range and can’t be softpatched somewhere else?

    If your fixtures has 16 DMX channels and dimmer channel is the first / last one then it is possible to define your own fixture w/o dimmer setting

    but if it is chan 8 on fixtures parameters then it can´t patched by the desk it locks entire fixture channels.

    Tell me what ffixtures do you want to control maybe there is another way.

  13. Hi Minimac,

    indeed there are possibilities to show 48 pallettes, but only for Bull- and Mambofrog desks. They have 48 build in channel flashbutton or FX buttons to call the pallettes.



    Hope this helps :)

  14. One thing I found is that, when turning the desk on, it doesnt like having the Dimmers/Movers on. It just 'partially' turns on, LCD screen goes funny, then it needs to be reset, but, apart (though it isnt a problem for me).


    Hi Phantom,

    these problems indicate that maybe something is wrong on the sinecurve of your distro - I suggest to choose another plug for your desk psu to avoid dead loss.

    Bear in mind that the desk psu is a inductive consumer and will never plugged into a dimmer !

    If this tips dosn´t help then you shhuld E-Mail one of the Zero88 Tech´s to ensure that your desk psu is good.


    Hope this helps

  15. You should update to the latest version 9.6


    version history:

    Version 9.0

    • Beat Drive modifier for Chases.
    • Live Adjustment of Chase Modifiers (Direction, Attack, Drive, Speed).
    • Pan/Tilt Reverse and Pan/Tilt Swap Functions for fixtures.
    • Desk Defaults - reorganised into Memory, Submaster and SX sections.
    • Submaster pages increased to 20.
    • Fade Times and LTP actions editable on submasters programmed with channel data or transferred memory.
    • Submaster name displayed on main LCD.
    • Fade Times and LTP actions can be adjusted on SX buttons programmed with channel data or transferred memory (Mambo Frog).
    • N-Shot Chases - new parameter which determines how many times the chase runs when triggered.
    • Palette Lock Function.
    • Edit Blind Function (Memories, Submasters, SX Buttons).

    Version 9.2 (Bugfix)

    • contains some bug fixes relating to the Edit Blind function

    Version 9.6 (Bugfix)

    • Frog Reference No 5482 - Movement effects appear on memories after reloading show file from floppy or power cycling the desk.

  16. It doesn't keep the tempo going but I had a foot switch made to plug into the audio feed. I just tap the foot switch to keep a chase in tempo. It also provides for a nice work out during a show.


    K - Nine´s answer :)

    Frog Reference No 5398 - Ability to set chase speed using a "Beat Button" - to be reviewed.


    it has a reference number yet sp they will investigate in this future if not on frog series then on frog successor :wink:

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