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Cue macros, advanced


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On 3/12/2023 at 11:13 AM, Davidmk said:

What's with the "8fpn12" and "Hhpn12" in the attached image?

Good question. This is what I see when creating this macro...


On 3/12/2023 at 11:13 AM, Davidmk said:

I'm getting these (apparently) extraneous characters whenever I put a single or - as here - double cue-trigger in the macros field.

If you click OK, and then click "Advanced" again, do you still see these erroneous values?

Would you be able to share a copy of your show file? I'll then investigate further.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Welcome back, hope you've had a good holiday.

I see them consistently although the actual characters vary. My showfile is a bit of a work in progress but based on one I've been using for a long time on this and my other desk and across more than one version of ZerOS. It has a lot (127) of cues triggering other cues or releasing playbacks. Not sure when it started or on which desk.

I'll try and send it tonight but before I do I'll do some checking on older versions, maybe even the other desk.


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Hi David,

12 minutes ago, Davidmk said:

Welcome back, hope you've had a good holiday.

Very nice thank you!

13 minutes ago, Davidmk said:

I see them consistently although the actual characters vary. My showfile is a bit of a work in progress but based on one I've been using for a long time on this and my other desk and across more than one version of ZerOS. It has a lot (127) of cues triggering other cues or releasing playbacks. Not sure when it started or on which desk.

I'll try and send it tonight but before I do I'll do some checking on older versions, maybe even the other desk.

Thanks for the information. Will look out for the show file.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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For the benefit of the community...

Edward has taken a look at this and it turns out it is confined to consoles (phantom ZerOS doesn't have the issue). It has been logged on the system to allow the software team to investigate. Initially, this is at a low priority which is fair enough as it doesn't cause any actual harm.

Whilst looking at old show files and collecting screen shots to help with this I discovered something else which is worth knowing.

I loaded an old file but forgot which so I went into save to check and found it had a different name. I asked Edward about this and it turns out show files contain their original names and these are used as the default when you save them.

This means that, if you change the file name (in Windows for example) then it will revert to the original name when loaded into the desk.

@Edward Z88 is truly the fount of all ZerOS knowledge. Just wish I could copy & paste from his brain to mine😀

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