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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi Don, No problem, any questions just let me know. Edward
  2. Hello, In this scenario, I would recommend loading the GENERIC -> LED Unit -> 4ch (D RGB) fixture into the fixture editor. This can be done by downloading the fixture library onto your Windows PC, and extracting/unzipping it. Then open the Fixture Editor software, choose create new, then go to File -> Import Fixture Type, and browse your PC for the extracted library file. You will then be able to navigate this to find the 4ch (D RGB) fixture. Once loaded in, you can then readdress RGB to 3, 4 and 5 respectively, add in a Strobe parameter under the Beamshape attribute, and then rename the fixture and manufacturer. You can then save the fixture file, copy the .ift file to a USB stick, and you will then be able to load this into the console. To download the latest library, see below... https://zero88.com/library Hope this helps, Edward
  3. Hi Eric, The total number of cues across every ZerOS console, including Leapfrogs, is 10,000. Yes that is correct. You can program a show on Phantom ZerOS running as Solution XL, and you will be able to load the show file into a Leapfrog 96. Edward
  4. Hi Eric, Yes, Leapfrog 96 consoles also run ZerOS, and are currently still supported with the latest software. Therefore if they are running ZerOS 7.9.7 on their Leapfrog 96, there will be many similarities between your FLX also running ZerOS 7.9.7. Yes that is correct, in Phantom ZerOS, you will be able to choose the “Solution XL” desk type from the drop down menu on the launcher. Solution XL and Leapfrog 96 consoles operate identically. You can then connect Phantom to our demo version of Capture if you wish, to practice using the console... http://support.zero88.com/988883201 If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  5. Hi Eric, It is different with SHIFT + RECORD, as when you do this you Snapshot everything your lights are currently doing, and store it into the palette. If you use a single Mac Quantum to store a palette by simply tapping RECORD, any other Mac Quantum will be able to use that palette too. A different fixture type wouldn’t be able to use that palette, unless it was also initially stored in it, or updated to include it. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  6. Hi Eric, If you record a palette using a single fixture, any fixture of identical type will be able to use it. Even if you have a new fixture that shares the same parameters as the fixture stored in the palette, but is a different type of fixture, it will not be able to use it. You could add your new fixture to the existing palette if you wanted, and then fixtures of the new type would be able to use it too. Hope this helps, Edward
  7. Hello, All information on patching is covered in the “Getting your console ready to control” session. This is available below... Pressing SETUP -> Clear Options -> Reset Desk will not remove custom fixture files from the console. The Clear Fixture Files option under Clear Options can be used for that. To quickly delete all patched fixtures you can tap SETUP -> Fixture Schedule -> All Patched Fixtures -> Address -> Delete Fixture -> OK. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  8. Hello, When you tap Add Fixtures, your keyboard arrow keys will still be focused on the Setup menu, meaning you can use the arrow keys to navigate the Setup options. If you tap into the columns, the keyboard can be used to jump you to the first item starting with that letter. For example tapping R in the manufacturer column will take you to the first manufacturer beginning with R. The arrow keys can then be used to step through the manufacturers, and SHIFT + arrow keys will skip through manufacturers quickly. To search, tap into the search fields at the top of the columns. Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. Edward
  9. Hello, Yes it has. RigSync options used to be in Setup under “Inputs & Outputs”. Setup was redesigned in ZerOS 7.9.5 to remove Inputs & Outputs, and create a new “Universes” area, where the RigSync options now live. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  10. Hello, I am with Kevin on this one. If you have 48 channels of Chilli Pro, that is a FLX S24 maxed out, as it can control a maximum of 48 individual fixtures. If you add some LED or moving lights, then you will have to decide which dimmer channels you don’t need to free up some fixture numbers on the console. This potentially isn’t an issue, especially if you are plugging LED or moving fixtures into a bypass channel, and thus that dimmer channel doesn’t need to be controlled anyway. As a general rule if people are deciding between FLX S24 or FLX S48, we say if your normal rig is a maximum of 24 fixtures, go with the S24, if it is a maximum of 48 fixtures, go with the S48. There’s two key reasons for that. The first, is that to access your “every day” fixtures, you wouldn’t even need to change page on the console - all your lights are available on the channel faders. The other reason, is not only do you future proof the console, but you also have plenty of spare fixtures if you get extra fixtures in for a particular show, event or production. All FLX range lighting consoles can load in show file exports from ETC EOS lighting consoles. However, if you have an operator from an EOS console who wants to use the house console, they will be far more happy with a FLX rather than a FLX S console, due to the syntax. That’s a tricky one to answer really, as it all depends on the sorts of operators that visit. As I mentioned above, if you have visiting technicians used to using consoles with syntax, they’re going to be much more at home with FLX. FLX S24 consoles have half the number of fixtures, playbacks, palettes, groups and effects as FLX S48. There’s therefore much “less stuff” to see on the screen. This means there is far less of a need for an external monitor. As you mention though, you can use ZerOS Monitor to remotely view an external desktop. On FLX S48 and FLX, having an external monitor on your console definitely helps, especially for visiting operators that are not used to your rig. That is correct, channel buttons are select buttons, to allow you to choose the fixtures you need, and then control them with the touchscreen. When you have programmed fixtures to playback faders, you have many button functions available, such as flash and latch. If you would like to chat through your options over Zoom/ a phone call, just drop me an email. I hope this helps, if you have any questions let us know. Edward
  11. Hi Lena, If you want to just record certain parameters, rather than the whole lighting state to a playback fader, you will need to disable SmartTag. You can find the SmartTag option by pressing and holding the RECORD button. This will open the Record Options window on the internal touchscreen. In here, you can tap SmartTag, so it has a blue stripe on its button rather than red, meaning it is now disabled. You can then tap RECORD to save and close. Now, only tagged parameters will be stored. After you have disabled SmartTag, you will be able to do this by firstly simply turning the fixture on to full, and then record this to a playback fader. Then, push this new playback up, select the fixtures, and put them in a position, and record that to a new fader. Then, change their colour, and store that to a new playback. You will then have 3 separate playbacks, one for intensity, one for position, and one for colour. For more information on tagging, see below... http://support.zero88.com/1014189311 I hope this helps, if you have any questions let us know. Edward
  12. Hi Sven, No problem, if you have any questions let us know. Edward
  13. Hi Sven, Hope you are well. I can confirm the ZerOS Remote and ZerOS Monitor apps have been tested with iOS 14 and iPadOS 14. iOS 14 and iPadOS 14 include some significant changes to how they handle Local Area Networks. As a result, upon opening the apps, you will not see your console detected and listed. You will therefore need to click "Manual Connect", type in the IP address of your console (or another IP which is within range of your device), and then click Connect. You will then receive an iOS pop-up, saying: ""Z Remote" (or "Z Monitor") would like to find and connect to devices on your local network." You can click OK, and the consoles your device can see on the network will be displayed, and you will then be able to connect to them in the usual way. This only needs to be done the first time you use the apps, and you will then not need to do this again. If you were to click "Don't Allow", the app will be blocked from connecting to consoles. To enable the app to connect to consoles after pressing "Don't Allow", go to the Settings app, scroll down to the bottom to find "Z Remote" and "Z Monitor", and for these apps there will be an option to allow the app access to the Local Network. We will be releasing an update at some point in future, which allows the apps to find devices on the network, without having to manually connect to a console first. We have streamlined the forums, which instead allows people to post in their console's topic. I hope this helps, if you have any questions let us know. Edward
  14. Hi Lena, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. The short answer, is you can pretty much configure the console however you want to, to find the most flexible way of working for you. For example, you could have a single scene on each fader, or you could have several scenes on each fader. In that case, hopefully by now you are all patched up, meaning when your faders are in "Channels" function, each fader controls an individual fixture. One of the simplest ways of controlling your fixtures, is simply by using Groups and Palettes. You will see at the top of the touchscreen you have a groups icon. Tap this, and FLX S24 will give you the ability to automatically create some groups for your lights. You will then be able to use these buttons on the touchscreen to select those lights, to allow you to control them. Double tapping a group will turn those fixtures on. When you have selected the fixtures, you will then be able to access the fixture's attributes, using the tabs such as "Colour" and "Position" at the top of the touchscreen. The console will be able to create some automatic palettes to get you started. However, you can then start to create your own colours, using the encoder wheels and colour picker, and when you're happy, tap RECORD, and choose an empty palette. You'll be able to do the same for positions. You will then start to build lots of presets you can quickly jump between to control your lights. This is definitely a good place to start. From there you could then start to program some more playbacks of other lighting states. For example you might want to program a few playback faders of different looks for each different bunch of lights. This will then allow you to mix and match giving you lots of different combinations. You could then mix between using palettes, and also pushing up playback faders of key lighting states. Or you could have your fixture's intensity on one playback, a cue stack of different colours on another playback you can overlay, and then some different playbacks with different positions you can fade in over the top. If you want to know almost everything there is when it comes to controlling your fixtures, take a look at the training session below... This will give you a good idea of all the tools available to you and how you can use them, to allow you to decide what will work best for you. For our full online training material, see below... https://zero88.com/live If you have any questions at all, please let us know. Edward
  15. Bonjour, Comme le mentionne Kevin, maintenez la touche SETUP enfoncée et appuyez sur un UDK vide. Vous pouvez ensuite utiliser le menu déroulant pour choisir «Surligner». Vous pouvez également maintenir SHIFT enfoncé et appuyer sur HOME pour accéder à la sélection. Si vous avez des questions, laissez-nous savoir. Hello, As Kevin mentions, press and hold SETUP and tap an empty UDK. You can then use the drop-down menu to choose "Highlight". Alternatively you can hold SHIFT and press HOME to access Highlight. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  16. Hello, A universe currently costs £250 exVAT. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  17. Bonjour, Le nombre maximum d'univers qu'un FLX peut contrôler est de 16 univers (8192 canaux). Ces univers peuvent être patchés sur 64 univers. Pour débloquer des univers supplémentaires, voir ci-dessous ... https://zero88.com/upgrade/ Hello, The maximum number of universes a FLX can control is 16 universes (8192 channels). These universes can be patched across 64 universes. To unlock additional universes, see below... https://zero88.com/upgrade/ Edward
  18. Bonjour, Si vous disposez d'un FLX à 4 univers (2048 canaux), vous pouvez ajouter des univers DMX supplémentaires, jusqu'à un maximum de 16 univers (8192 canaux). Ces univers peuvent être patchés sur 64 univers. https://zero88.com/upgrade/ J'espère que cela t'aides, Hello, If you have a 4 universe (2048 channels) FLX, you can add additional DMX universes, up to a maximum of 16 universes (8192 channels). These universes can be patched across 64 universes. https://zero88.com/upgrade/ Hope this helps, Edward
  19. Bonjour, Sur FLX, il n'existe actuellement aucun moyen de copier les informations de paramètres d'un appareil à un autre. Si vous utilisez des appareils du même type, vous pouvez cependant régler l'un des appareils sur la position, les couleurs et les gobos dont vous avez besoin, maintenez SHIFT et appuyez sur RECORD, puis appuyez sur une palette vide. Vous pouvez ensuite sélectionner un autre appareil du même type, appliquer la palette, il ira aux mêmes valeurs que l'appareil d'origine. J'espère que cela t'aides, Hello, On FLX there is currently no way of copying parameter information from one fixture to another. If you are using fixtures of the same type, you could however set one of the fixtures to the position, colours and gobos you need, hold SHIFT and tap RECORD, and tap an empty palette. You can then select another fixture of the same type, apply the palette, and it will go to the same values as the original fixture. Hope this helps, Edward
  20. Hi Mac, When recording this effect to a playback, make sure the Intensity and Position cue fade times are the same. Otherwise, either the intensity or position element of the effect will take time to start due to the fade, and therefore will not start synchronised with one another. You have probably come across this by recording the effect to the first cue of a playback, because for the first cue the intensity fade time will always be 0, and by default the position time will be 3. The position will therefore lag the intensity. Hope this helps, if you have any questions just let me know. Edward
  21. Hi Mac, Thank you very much for posting the debug file. Do you know the exact steps you did, and the exact point that Phantom ZerOS crashed? For example was it the point of applying the effect, applying an offset? Any extra information you can provide would be greatly appreciated. I have passed the debug file onto the software team, who will investigate this to see what the cause may have been. This is logged on our system as reference number ZOS-10403. If you have any questions please do let us know. Edward
  22. Hi Norton, On FLX S, the VIEW button will not light up. This is the intended behaviour. On FLX S24, pressing the VIEW button, should toggle the internal touchscreen between the Cues and Faders windows, when you are not in Setup. Holding Z/SHIFT and tapping VIEW will take you to the Output Window. Hope this helps, Edward
  23. Hi Norton, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. As Kevin says, hold SETUP and tap an empty playback button, and choose Grand Master. The fader will then act as a Grand Master, and the playback's button will become the Blackout. With a single press of the playback's button, all intensities will go to 0, and a second tap will resume the intensities. If you have any question let us know. Edward
  24. Hi Mac, To use the original palette, just select the original fixtures first, and to use the new palette, just select the new fixtures first. Yes, they will do, because... Hope this makes sense, if you have any questions let me know. Edward
  25. Hi Mac, If you have fixtures of the same type and same mode, they will be able to share palettes. Let's say fixture 1 and fixture 2 are both the same type and mode of moving light, and position palette 1 was recorded with fixture 1. Fixture 2 will also be able to use palette 2, and will go to the same values as the first fixture. If fixture 2 had different values to fixture 1 stored in palette 1, then it would obviously go to its defined values, rather than simply matching fixture 1. As your new palettes don't have any information for the original fixtures, the original fixtures are just going to the same values as the first recorded fixture. If you just want the additional fixtures to move, just select these, not the originals, and then apply the new palette. This same behaviour applies to Colour and Beam palettes too, meaning you can record a colour with a single fixture, and any other identical fixtures will also be able to take advantage of that colour. Hope this helps, Edward
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